Recent content by solarbear

  1. S

    Instructor for my Brother

    My brother would like to take golf lessons. Does anyone know of a good instructor in SouthWestern Ontario, Canada... St.Thomas London area? I would appreciate any info. While my brother doesn't know what TGM is, I would love to find him a good TGM oriented instructor that could get him started...
  2. S

    Nick O'Hearn swing?

    Anyone know where I can find this aussies swing online to watch. Every time I see it it impresses me as such a simple swing with so few moving parts. I'd love to see it in frame by frame or slow mo to have a look at it closer.
  3. S

    old articles

    Brian could you please put up the written articles that you had at your old site? I felt they were fantastic and must have read them 100 times each. They were so easy to read and common sense and a great guide for anyone new to the site or TGM. I also showed them to people so that they...