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  1. B

    Ben Hogan's REAL Secret is...................

    As all of you know, the great Ben Hogan suffered miserably with his early attempts at competitive golf in the 1930's (can you imagine g.o.l.f. in The Hawks hands at an early age). Here is a man, in my estimation, with world class athletic ability -- in the league of Michael Jordan, but more in...
  2. B

    A User-Friendly "The Golfing Machine"????

    Wouldn't it be fantastic to still have Homer around and be able to bounce ideas off of him? He never intended or assumed that all the answers for golf were to be found in his landmark book TGM. He would have enjoyed the feedback from all of you, especially the world-class players such as Steve...
  3. B

    A Question from Bobby Schaeffer

    First off, it's great to see all of the enthusiasm out there in golfdom. I have never had the pleasure of meeting Brian Manzella, but Ben Doyle, Steve Khatib, Joe Daniels and others that I know have great respect for him. I believe that one of Homer's most overlooked passages in TGM is that...