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  1. G

    Driver off the deck?

    What does it tell you when a scratch golfer can't hit a driver off the deck? Is hitting it off the deck harder with the new drivers that are coming out? Can all tour pros do it? Is hitting a Driver off the deck proof that your swing is becoming tour quality?
  2. G

    Left Arm Rotation

    I know this will differ from pattern to pattern, but how much does everybody's left arm rotate in the backswing? I always tended to over-rotate so I have gone in the opposite direction and feel like the club just stays outside the hands throughout the whole backswing (feel) with some pretty...
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    Downswing Plane and weight transfer

    It was pointed out in a recent post that the more "out" that you have in the back swing, the more you have to hang back to accommodate for it. Does this mean that somebody coming down on the TSP would have less weight on their left leg at impact then somebody coming down on a shallower plane...
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    Not going to fight anymore, but need some assistance

    Hi golfers, I naturally come down on the TSP. I am really okay with it and am playing some pretty good golf. The problem I have is that it is so far from my starting position that I believe that it leads to some inconsistency. Take a look and see if anybody would make any adjustments to make...
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    Swing Update

    Hey golfers, Every once in a great while I post some swings to get a feel for what some may recommend. It isn't so much a desperate cry for help as much as it is I love learning new things every day on this forum and would be interested to hear what anybody has to say positive or negative. any...
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    Greatest day of the year!

    I live up in Buffalo, NY. My golf course just put the flags in. Here's to a great 2011 everybody!
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    Right Foot and it's ability to change your game

    I am a big believer that most faults can be cured in the setup. A while back I remember Brian specifically stating that anybody who needed help posting up (snapping the chain) should try pigeon toeing their left foot a bit to help get some slight hip bump. I tried what to me seemed like the...
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    hit the best shot of my life today

    I am never comfortable talking about personal achievements, but I think that sharing these types of things is a great reminder to anybody struggling that better golf swings lay ahead and not let this great game get you too down. Anyways...;-) Slightly Downwind 510 Yard Par Five fourth hole at...
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    Divots - In Depth

    I have had the pleasure of watching (and talking with on a few occasions) Dudley Hart hit balls in the past couple years. What amazes me most about a golfer of that caliber is their divots. Dudley's divot pattern is perfect. Every one is a dollar bill. You can tell where he has been on the range...
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    Can focusing on my left knee make me better?

    Golfers, My questions and posts on here generally refer to not being able to shift to my left during transition. Typically most replies tell me that I need some hip bump. Unfortunately, I am unable to create any sort of bump from the backswing position that I put myself in. While looking at a...
  11. G

    Backswing Too Wide?

    Hello out there, I am interested in getting some thoughts about backswing width and what the most appropriate way to determine it for an individual's swing. Lately I have been having trouble shifting my weight from right foot to left in the transition and have come up with a hypothesis that my...
  12. G

    Please feel free to help

    5 Iron DTL 5 Iron Face On No frontal nudity, as I promised :-) I'm a 2 handicap with a good short game. I want to improve my ballstriking. I hit the ball straight and long with the driver. My iron game is brutal for my handicap. I hit it straight, but hit...
  13. G

    Ball Position- How Fundamental to a good pivot?

    Pretty self explanatory guys, If I'm hitting a mid iron with the ball positioned back toward the middle of my stance, we'll say 3-4 inches before my low point (opposite of left shoulder); what effect will this have on my downswing? I tend to hang back after making a good backswing and hit it...
  14. G

    Tension at the top...

    Fellow golfers, Wanted to know what anybody thinks about the pulling sensation in the left side created by a large shoulder turn in the backswing. While it is a tremendous source of power, it seems to encourage me to pull with my entire left side to start the downswing. This results in a...
  15. G

    Right Elbow, Forearm at the top

    Right now at the top of my backswing, my right forearm is perpendicular to the ground (ala tiger). In a previous thread that I started, Brian said that he preferred better players to allow that elbow to be pointing back behind the player (ala Vijay). Could somebody explain why this change...
  16. G

    A revolutionary breakthrough?

    After a somewhat miserable spring college golf season (77.7 stroke average) I decided to rebuild my fundamentals. Today was grip day. After warming up, and hitting the ball off of every part of the face, like I had all season, I noticed that my hands were disconnecting during my transition. In...
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    Drill for this?

    I think I've begun to try to have my hands too far forward at impact. My body senses this at the last second and causes me to hang back and flip. Are there any drills to correct this?
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    This post has 2 parts... 1. For the last 4 years I have been on a quest for a swing that not only provides great results, but also looks good. Additionally, i wanted a swing that was free from any criticism in the entire world... something I now realize is impossible. No matter how good your...
  19. G

    Quick Transition problems...

    Holders of abundant knowledge, Lately I have found it very difficult to get back onto my left side from the top of my swing. Could this be a result of too quick of a transition? I know that there are tons of great players that have a quick transition, but is it possible that there are some...
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    Bending more from the hips...

    This single correction has improved my golf swing in Several ways: 1. Being able to pivot to my left side on the downswing. This is due to being able to turn into my right heel then shifting to my left heel, instead of falling onto my toes. 2. Getting the club more on plane (used to be...