Search results

  1. J

    extension in the follow through

    howdy! having problems maintaning the "V" (arms,club,shoulders) in the follow through. About waist high in the follow through (maybe sooner) the club wants to fold/recock. It looks really weird especially compared to any model/pro golf swing. Any tips? I know the standard your slowing down...
  2. J

    Older instruction articles

    Does anyone have the pdf articles of brian giving instruction on the grip/backswing/downswing. Thank you! Jeremy
  3. J

    hip slide help

    Short irons are ok, anything longer than a 5 iron I really feel like i'm hanging back or going too far left. Any tips/ help? I 'm trying to stop using the pure rotation swing that has plagued me. I just can't seem to find the right amount of hip bump/ weight shift left.
  4. J

    problem with right should down plane

    I am having a problem getting my right shoulder to go down plane. When I send my shoulder down plane my weight usual falls onto my back foot. When I try to make sure my weight goes to my front foot I usually sway out in front of the ball. Also my head tends to go down with my shoulder. I think...
  5. J

    help swinging left

    Played today and kept hitting the biggest blocks ever! I feel like I am rotation and my hips and shoulders are open at impact, however my arms seem to go out to the right still. Any tips or help on swing the club more left instead of just the body? Thanks
  6. J

    Trip Kuehne

    any one of video or a swing sequence of trip kuehne?
  7. J

    Woody Austin

    Watching the Presidents cup and Johnny Miller said Woody Austin has the best swing of anyone on the team. I was wondering what Brian, Tom, Mike or Jim thought about his swing, and if any one has any video of it. I have been on youtube and watched the videos there but I can't slow it down or...
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    Jim Kobylinski

    Jim, Thanks a ton for all you posts I find them very informative. Do you have any video or photos of your swing you could post for us to see?
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    Golf Tec

    Brian, I have been trying to get up to Baton Rouge to see you for a lesson but it seems like every weekend something happens with my work, (on call 24-7) that prohibits me from getting up there. I really need something to get me through the next couple of weeks. I'v heard that Golf Tec is...
  10. J

    Tush Line

    Having trouble keeping the tush line. Tried keeping it on the wall or chair, but seems on full swings my hips run toward the ball and I get really bunched up at impact. Any tips?
  11. J

    Charles Howell

    Any chance we could get an analysis of his swing? I am the same kind of build as him so i'v tried to use him as a model for my swing. Thanks!
  12. J

    straight plane line

    Howdy, I am relatively new on the site and trying to piece a couple of things together, what exactly is straight plane line? Thks!
  13. J

    perfect pivot / grip

    I am trying to find the articles regarding the perfect pivot and grip. Can anyone send me the linke for these? Thanks!