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  1. patty

    Philly Micks Playoff Blues!!

    What is he doing again!!! Pulls out his driver and completely screws it up, on a playoff !! will he ever learn.. Thought he had learned a big lesson at Winged foot.. :confused:
  2. patty

    Teaching TGM to Kids

    My 5 year old son, has been playing since 4 and started taking an interest in Golf now he can hit the ball high and straight , He just wants to go the local pitch and putt course all the time with me, which is 5 minutes from my home.. Which Is great as I get away from the wife with the Kid so...
  3. patty

    Explained perfectly

    All these years I've searched for the answer... this guy has answered my prayers.. :D
  4. patty

    Passive Arms and hands

    Hi, Becuase of inconsistency I'm trying to experiment (worst thing) with trying to get the Arms and hands completely passive on the downswing. More of a controlled by the body swing. This has given me some good results and from time to time hit them pure and they really do fly effortlessly...
  5. patty

    Straightening the right leg!

    On quite a few Old pics, Byron, Hogan, Snead, Nicholas these guys all have a Straight right leg on the back swing and some even lift the left foot. I am constantly told not to do this as I loose Torque and power. What's the stance with TGM on the right leg ? I have good flexibility but...
  6. patty

    UK TGM

    This is my first post. Stumbled across Brian Watching Youtube and had to find out more. Bought TGM and can't understand it. Although I have manged to take bits here and there. the Youtube Videos have helped with the Flat left wrist concept. I'm hitting down taking nice divots. Have bought...