Ben Hogan !!!

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I've only seen/read the one with the line drawings. I'm doubtful that anyone is willing to give up their copy of the older edition.

5th frame is terminal!

The latest DVD pkg has a 4th disk, which includes The Driver Swing in Competition -1949, with a "frame by frame" feature. This is an opportunity to compare his words with his action and draw individual conclusions especially the lateral motion during transition. Surprisingly it has not gotten much "press." OTOH, I have a paperback copy of Power Golf in poor condition with the photos that is yours if you will email your mailing address.


Brian Manzella

The Driver swing is SOoooooooooooooooooooo Good....AND so no FlavorAid tripod, so no Narrow—Definition RFT, I wish I could put it up.

But, really, it is a waste of time. Just look at Mike Finney's swing.
Different clubs?


I think these views are with different clubs. The face-on is from the book's short iron sequence and the target line is from the medium iron sequence. One indicator is the #3 photo (Top). In my HB copy there is no target line sequence with the short iron (1948; A.S. Barnes; 12 printing).

Hogan provided photos for nearing top, top and starting down with the latter not typically included in publications. Hopefully you will consider posting these for those interested in this stroke.


So this (Power Golf time period)was apparently when he was hitting the hooks. The thing about the Hawk that blows me away is that even if Woods has more majors than everyone at the end of the day, the fact Hogan survived, let alone won 2 Major golf championships after that accident, is totally unbelievable.....


This lack of factual knowledge of Mr. Hogan's real history, is not your fault. Lots of folks have no idea about the man, or his history.

As for these photos:

They were taken in 1948 at Augusta National, and in the three years which ended in 1948, Ben Hogan won 30 tournaments.

30 tournaments

He later had "the accident" and made a well-publicized swing "change."

He won tournaments and Majors after the "wreck," but in his own words, NEVER hit it as well as he did before (like in these photos).

He played well and some say better, but he thought he scored and mangaged his game better.

Nonetheless, this sequence of Mr. Hogan that I have posted below, along with the signiture he signed my Hogan 5 Lessons book with, is for lots of great teachers, the best ever.



One Ben Hogan Print (includes shipping and handling) $25.00

Two Ben Hogan Prints (includes shipping and handling) $40.00

Three Ben Hogan Prints (includes shipping and handling) $50.00[/QUOTE]
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