Recent content by Dr_J

  1. D

    Why I cup my left wrist

    This is just an observation from my own swing and from learning on these forums. I used to always have a cupped left wrist at the top...not on purpose, just didn't know any better. This was very hard for me to correct. From reading on here I heard the reason I was doing it was because I was...
  2. D

    Left or right?

    I am a swinger most of the time. Should my swing be more right or left arm dominant. Right now I feel more right arm dominant. Just need some opinions on what you feel in your swing.
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    Right hip, right elbow

    I have noticed on my downswing that my right hip gets in the way of my right elbow and often my elbow gets left trailing my right hip. Any advice or suggestions?
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    Can you explain "release" to me?

    Got a challenge for you guys. Although I am sure that I do it, I am not exactly sure when or how. Can someone describe the release to me? When do you do it, and when you get to that point what exactly do you do?
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    "Drunk off the back" pivot

    Could someone please elaborate or describe Brian's "drunk off the back" pivot. Any help would be appreciated from those of you in the know. Be great to hear it from the horses...I mean Stallion's mouth as well. Thanks.
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    Any AI in virginia beach/ washington d.c. area?

    Brother in law is looking for one in this area. Anybody know of anyone any good?
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    My experience with an AI in Austin

    Just took my 2nd lesson ever today. Not sure the first one should even count (just terrible info, really). Have been very interested in TGM for the last year and feel it is definitely the way for me mainly because it is based in something (science and physics), not just the tip of the week...