Recent content by swingobsessed

  1. S

    Equipment Question

    I am currently a 5 handicap and play cavity back irons (Taylor Made R7). I think these are referred to as “game improvement irons”. My question is when do you know when it is time to move to a players iron, and why would you do that? I was under the impression that players irons are less...
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    Will Pay for Info

    There was a day when I waited excitedly each month for the new Gold Digest or Golf Magazine. I still get them, but it is hard to enjoy them anymore after all I have learned from this forum. I won’t go into details, but for reasons most of you know I find it hard to trust anything I find in...
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    Leakage Pull

    I am a former flipper. I have got rid of most of my flip, but video shows I am struggling to get rid of the last bit of it. I thought it was gone because I am hitting my five iron about 200 and driver about 290 with high ball flight, so I don't know how I am doing that with a flip, but...
  4. S

    Soft Draw and Low Ball Flight

    I am using the Soft Draw pattern, and overall the results are great. However, I am hitting about 1/2 of my shots with very low ball flight (mostly with the longer clubs, but sometimes with the shorter ones). I would say the low ones are half of my regular ball height. So my question is what...
  5. S

    How does everyone practice keeping the club on plane?

    In the laser thread many discussed all of the negatives about practicing plane with lasers. I am just curious if anyone out there has any effective methods to practice keeping the club on plane. Obviously a qualified instructor like Brian is best, but what other methods are there to use...
  6. S

    Strong Grip VS. Manzella Neutral

    I am trying to understand why a person would use a neutral grip (or Manzella neutral) over a strong grip or vice versa. Theoretically wouldn't it be easier to use a strong grip and just bring that down into the ball with little hand rotation (or roll) as opposed to all of the rotation (or the...
  7. S

    Hand and Wrist Action

    I have read several times that the left hand is only supposed to cock and uncock, and that the right hand is only supposed to bend back and forward. However, I cannot bend my right hand back and forth without making the left hand bend back and forth. It was my understanding that the left hand...
  8. S

    Hitting it Right

    I have an issue that really makes playing or practicing miserable, so any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. I will be hitting quarter and half wedge shots perfect for about a half hour and then all of the sudden I will just start hitting them all right. Way right. I have battled...
  9. S

    Lesson Review - Manzella Magic

    I drove down to Louisville with a buddy yesterday for a two hour lesson with Brian. It was by far the best money I have ever spent on anything golf related and the best lesson I have ever received by a mile. It isn’t even close. I went in hitting my short irons very well, but I was having...
  10. S

    Hip Pain?

    Do any right handed golfers get pain in their right hip from the golf swing? I get some chronic pain in my right hip. That leads to pain on the outside of my right knee and sometimes my right shin. I have done some research, and I am pretty sure this is all related. I am just curious if...
  11. S

    Allen Doyle's Swing

    What does everyone think of Allen Doyle's Swing? It fascinates me every time I see him play. Would this be a good swing of an amateur to imitate? Here is an interesting quote from an online article ( Q. Could you...
  12. S

    Extensor Action??

    What exactly is extensor action and how is it applied correctly? I am relatively new to TGM and I keep seeing it in different posts, but I am not entirely clear on what it means.
  13. S

    Need some help until Brian comes to Chicago - Video

    I bought these lessons at a certain national chain before I found this forum. They have been worthless except for the video I get from them. I would appreciate some feedback from the Manzella Academy or anyone else that has some ideas. I have been working hard on the Manzella videos (I have...
  14. S

    Steep Club Angle at Impact

    I have been working hard to lag the club and have a flat left wrist at impact. Sometimes I am extending my left wrist down too much (instead of rolling it I think) and the club comes in at a much steeper angle than address. I think this is because I am coming out of my posture too soon and...
  15. S

    Practicing by hitting on mats and into nets

    Many times I don't have time to get to the range before dark so I was considering buying a quality hitting mat with a net; however, I am concerned if I will gain anything by hitting balls into a net. For instance when hitting into a net you can't really tell if a shot that takes off straight...