Recent content by wally888

  1. W

    Cross/dual/ posting?

    Finding myself suffering from Cabin Fever, I frequently visit this site and other Golf Forums. Sometimes I find myself trying to post an intelligent post or reply on these forums. My question here, also posting this on other forums, is, are there prohibitions to cross posting, making the same...
  2. W

    A visit with Yoda

    Yesterday my son and I visited Yoda. There is absolutely nothing posted as a POSITIVE on this or other forum that is untrue re. Lynn! He is warm, friendly, unbelievably versed re. H.K.'s works and all other golf swing concepts. The fog clearing was analogous to a giant nuclear stack. Our...
  3. W

    Brian, time out.....

    Focus, review your "To Do" list. Add, "Look for Camera!" My anniversary of purchasing your vids is long past-Dec. 11, 2003! May not have many anniversaries left!
  4. W

    What would you do? Suddenly you own all rights to

    Suddenly you find you are the owner of TGM! How would you go about turning this ownership into a money making business with the ultimate goal of having 1000+ certified teachers, convincing the public to use them.............continueing H.K.'s work (suspect new owners have conditions they must...
  5. W

    Swing planes?

    To determine one's shoulder and arm swing planes, where are lines drawn (at the top of swing) on the picture? Does the line drawn to determine the arm swing plane vary (point to point) if in one swing the left arm is straight and in the other swing the left arm is not straight (along forearm or...
  6. W

    Thank you Jesus!

    Or, ah, Brian! See "Topic Locked." I vow never to again respond to these trolls!
  7. W

    Enough already.

    Once upon a time, this Forum was a great read! Now I have to wade through so much B.S from arrogant, ego maniacs, I am considering eliminating this link from my Favorites. First D.A., then Ringer, Horton, mandrin............. Brian. Pleeeese! Or ask anyone with a grain of common sense to...
  8. W

    Left shoulder over right foot?

    What percentage of right handed golfers can actually get into this position using a hands controlled pivot and a proper pivot action?
  9. W

    How good are you?

    I have recently started exchanging emails with a knowledable member of this forum. Since I first started reading TGM and visiting the websites, trying to grasp what is written, I always have one thought: Why hasn't someone written an introduction to The Star System of G.O.L.F that would...
  10. W

    A long, boring post but maybe will help someone.

    A different prospective or a view from the outside. (Before TGM and what most are faced with trying to develop a good , repeating swing). I would think many will identify with the following? Even those who now understand the "Book" (memories, unless they had the advantage of being helped...
  11. W

    David A? If untrue search the index! I'm sure he will be exposed/found.
  12. W

    Plane line and right forearm?

    Assuming all basic fundamentals of grip, address, stance, ball position, alignment, etc. (All) are acceptable: Please explain the 3 different plane lines the forearm seems to trace as the hands are, at address, moved too far forward toward the target, too far back and the ideal. I find the...
  13. W

    Comparing swings?

    Would like to read comparisons of Jodie Mudd swing, on this site, and Mac O'Grady swing sequence at In TGM terms and laymans terms.