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  1. L

    The power of not trying?!

    After I posting my swing video last week and trying to process everyone's feedback, I headed out to the range for my weekly practice session with great optimism. Trying very hard to do a proper pivot and have correct arm action through impact, I managed to hit a full bucket of miserable shots...
  2. L

    WRU -- passive, active, either? (story / question)

    Two activities have really started to improve the quality of my ball-striking: 1) I've been working on implementing everything in Brian's "Building Blocks" video. I once thought that "Confessions...Flipper" would be the video that would be the roadmap to improvement for me. However, I think...
  3. L


    With a new G.O.L.F. celebrity showing up almost daily, it appears that the MGF is becoming the de-facto center of the TGM universe at a time when Brian has little time to post ;) Perhaps this is incubation of another kind. Lou
  4. L

    Brian - Success Criteria and Prognosis

    Brian, I am interested in what your teaching experience has taught you about the level of improvement possible for handicapped players of different strata. Whenever, I've asked PGA teaching pros "what is the best level you think I can achieve with what you've seen so far?" I always get...
  5. L

    protect my back?

    Brian, I am 2.5 months out of back surgery. My doc says I can start playing again in another 3.5 months. What type of swing pattern would be best for my back? (pre-surgery index no need to keep any of the old swing) Thanks, Lou