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  1. O

    Swing advice

    Video from a couple days ago. This is the first time I've had my swing videoed in a year or two. I have to work on shortening my swing, I didn't realize I went that far past parallel. I also noticed how early my right heel gets off the ground in the downswing. Anyone else see anything out of...
  2. O

    flightscope driver results

    I had a driver session on the Flightscope today and would like some input. Two results: Block right Launch: 17.2 Horiztonal 5.3 R Club Path: 6.1 R Ball Speed: 163.1 Club Speed: 110.4 Smash 1.48 Spin: 2533 Block draw right side of fairway Launch 15.0 Horizontal 5.7 R Club Path 11.6 R Ball...
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    Tumble question

    I pull/drag the handle on the downswing. My path is very in-to-out and I can hit slinging hooks all day long. I have been practicing the tumble move and wow it feels different (in a good way). My question is, how can a person tumble and not come over the top? When I practice this move, I feel...