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  1. L

    Swinging Left?

    I have the problem of swinging too far inside out which has caused me to have an open face at impact, which results in weak slices. The professional at my golf course (Oakland Hills) and numerous other golf entusiasts have confirmed this. What are some good drills to engrain a swing that is more...
  2. L


    I have a huge problem of swinging way to inside-out which causes me to leave the face open to combat the hook and now I am hitting MONSTROUS fades. I was wondering what some good drills or swing thoughts would be to help stop swinging inside-out. thanks
  3. L

    Backswing Question

    I went to the range a few days ago and was hitting a big fade on everything, so I started messing around with my swing when I got back to college and realized that my backswing is pretty wide. Just practicing in my family room going back more inside feels better but is this a solution or just a...
  4. L

    Laid Off

    I currently have been struggling with being laid off at the top. Its very obvious just looking at my swing. does anyone have any tips or drills to help? Thanks guys
  5. L

    swinging right

    I have had the problem of swing way to far right (I'm right handed) for the past couple of years. recently i have been laying a shaft pointing extremely left and trying to follow that on my downswing. I've been hitting the ball extremely well doing this, but are there any other tips to correct...
  6. L

    Hand Position at address

    recently at the driving range, someone noticed that hands were actually behind the ball at address. he said that this would cause alot of bad shots because i would sway alot on my downswing to compress the ball. if I have my hands forward at address then it's easier to compress the ball and i...
  7. L

    How to Quit Thinking

    my last few rounds i have been playing well, but i begin to become to focused on my score. for instance, i had this theory for a while that if i was 1 over every 3 holes then id shoot 78. nothing real special but i'd be happy with it. ill start of real well and shoot 1 or 2 over on the front...
  8. L

    Blind Putting

    I was in a tournament yesterday, and was hitting the ball extremely well. through 12 holes i was 2 over. I ended the round with 41 putts and 5 three putts including a 3 putt par, which has got to be the one of the worst feelings ever. the main problem was my speed control. I picked up a drill...