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  1. ZAP


    Just wondering if everyone is OK with the flooding down south. Looks terrible.
  2. ZAP

    Address question

    It seems every time I watch one of Brian's videos I pick up another detail I haven't heard before or at least thought about. I try to review all the videos I own a couple of times a year to keep my brain fresh when thinking about the golf swing in helping my high school players or beginners...
  3. ZAP

    New year

    So in hopes of getting a little action going on this board, I am going to start the typical "New Year Golf Goals" thread. Mine 1. Spend the winter getting better at putting from 5-10 feet. 2. Spend the spring solidifying my progress I made last year on using the bounce when chipping and...
  4. ZAP

    Hitting mat

    I remember a while back Brian had a hitting mat he was recommending. With my HS golf season over I was thinking about having our booster club buy us a couple of mats so we could hit balls in the auxilliary gym this winter and early spring. I think those foam practice balls or those "almost...
  5. ZAP

    Building a golf program

    As a new HS boys golf coach this year working with a couple of brand new golfers I can vouch for a bunch of the ideas being discussed here as far as the full swing is concerned. Now if we could just have a little course management and putting tips! lol Thanks Brian for all you guys are doing.
  6. ZAP


    Lately I have been playing some pretty good golf (for me) with my only swing thought being "tangential". It seems to keep me from taking my hands directly to the ball from the top.
  7. ZAP

    Short game

    I am still making slow progress away from being a handle dragger leading edge only short game practitioner. It seems like my biggest problem is my lower body wanting to lead the way especially my hips want to slide towards the target. If I have someone stand holding a club against my lead hip...
  8. ZAP

    Indoor putting question

    I have a 4X14 putting mat in my game room and I have been spending a lot of time on my putting this winter. I was messing around the other day putting with my eyes closed after lining up. It seems to help me to stay more still during the stroke and I am thinking this might be a decent way to...
  9. ZAP

    Coupling point question

    I have been working on getting my CP to it's lowest point prior to getting to the ball with my hands. This has resulted in some of the most amazing iron shots I have ever hit. It has also led to some fat shots with really shallow divots. My feeling is I have to go normal earlier than before...
  10. ZAP

    Indoor putting green advice

    My kids have been bugging me to get a "putting mat" for them for the rec room. If I am going to buy one it is going to be something I can use too. I have about a 10X20 area to use for it. Ideas or recommendation based on something you have?
  11. ZAP

    Neutral backswing IATR

    What kind of problems might making a backswing which is not even close to neutral cause for someone trying to implement IATR? I am way under and over rotated going back then I steepen early in the downswing and work back under it coming into the ball. Just wondering about what moving towards a...
  12. ZAP

    Why is it? (artist formerly known as Eyeoffish)

    Now that I feel like I have even more control over my golf ball thanks to Brian and company I feel the need to play even more risky shots than I did before? It is like I have the need to tempt fate.
  13. ZAP


    Every time they have one of those swingvision things i find myself watching the CP and wondering why I never noticed it before. Makes me wonder what else I am missing. Also has me anticipating Project 1.68 even more. Asked for ASII for my birthday so looking forward to that as well. Sorry if...
  14. ZAP

    Have not touched a club since my lesson

    Took my lesson from Brian and Kevin on the 22nd. Been busy finishing up an addition to my house and putting in a new furnace. Still chomping at the bit to get some practice in. I really hate it when life gets in the way of golf. Going to try to get some time in tomorrow. Maybe.:(
  15. ZAP

    A day in Pittsburgh

    Big thanks to Kevin and Brian for an informative lesson and day. Personally I found it interesting how I basically had the same issue right through the bag. Even down to the putter. My hope is that when I can learn to not drag the handle so much all those shots will be easier. Hope the...
  16. ZAP

    Playing all 3/4 shots

    Let me preface by saying my 3/4 swing is right about a full swing on video since my backswing tends to get past there. In trying to "clean up" my backswing I have noticed I am getting pretty comfortable playing what feel like 3/4 shots but on video look like full swings. I am thinking about...
  17. ZAP

    Gripping the putter

    What are everyone's thoughts on the proper way to grip the putter? I have tried a few options and it seems my hands are misshapen or something because no way I can grip it how Utley does for example. No fair making fun of me.
  18. ZAP

    Props where they are due.

    I was fortunate to spend a few hours yesterday with Kevin Shields and Lindsey Newman in Pittsburgh along with three of my friends. Let me just say that if you have the opportunity to spend time with either one of them do yourself a favor and make it happen. The depth of knowledge and the ability...
  19. ZAP

    Shaking board

    Am I having some sort of attack or does the board shake when I open a thread?
  20. ZAP

    Teaching summit blog?

    Did I miss Brian's description about how it went?