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  1. H

    this bad?

    Did tiger ever play this badly when he started with butch or Hank? How many pop ups can a tour pro hit?
  2. H

    Luke Donald Driver Swing

    According to his stats Luke is one of the shortest and most crooked drivers of the ball on the PGA Tour. He's where Scott Verplank was when his elbow problems were at their worst. Yet Johnny Miller says he has one of the best swings in golf. How can such a "pretty" swing yield such pitiful...
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    Bridgestone Commercials

    This is a little light for all the D-Plane and Kinetic Chain experts around here, but who is the woman with Fred Couples on the Bridgestone commercials? I don't see what she brings to the table. She's attractive but not Brooklyn Decker attractive; she has a distracting accent that I can't...
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    Hogan 50th

    Is anyone familiar with the Hogan 50th Anniversary Irons? What are your thoughts on them?
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    Thank You and a Question

    Just a note of thanks for the "back of the divot/front of the divot" drill from COFF. I've been practicing that drill at the range and I've noticed two things. 1. I have much more rhythm starting the swing and taking the club back... a lagging clubhead just seems to happen automatically. 2. My...
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    Waist Bend Angle/Bounce Back drill

    I've been reading through some old posts about maintaining one's "waist bend" an?gle in the swing i.e. not standing up through impact. Two questions... 1. Some people referenced a "Bounce Back" drill. What is that? I have 4 of Brian's videos but don't recall seeing that in any of them. I can't...
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    Results of Towel Drill

    I've been practicing this winter mostly indoors on a simulator and trying to implement the SDP. The computer has shown that I'm approaching the inside/back of the ball with a slightly open face. The result is some good shots that start right and draw back to center but too many shots that hang...
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    Hip turn

    I'm a newbie to Manzella, and it's been an eye opening experience. COAFF, SDP, and his Episode 4 on YouTube are the best pieces of golf instruction that I've seen. I wish I had seen them 10 years ago. One thing I struggle with is getting my hips open enough at impact. They are essentially...