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  1. T

    Revisiting an old lesson from Brian

    Hi guys - love the new site and I'm happy to be back! So this is a strange one....but I went to one of Brian's camps in Long Island several years ago. During those 3 days he gave me a few tips that I vaguely remember and that dramatically helped. The problem is the older I get the less of what...
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    One more quick swing video...

    I'm only posting this because I have been spending 3-5 nights per week at the range and feel as if I'm getting closer, but still seeing obvious big faults that I cannot fix. My priority right now is understanding how to start the downswing, I've always been a hands first player and would like to...
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    Help with Reverse Shoulder Tilt

    Hello again everyone! My goal this season is to spend the time correcting some errors that have gotten progressively more glaring in my game, and i am hoping some of you guys have a few pieces of advice that might help. For a bit of background - I've gone through the NSA, Soft Draw, as well...
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    tour stop question + video

    Hi all - I was wondering if Brian has announced any plans for a tour stop in Long Island New York like he has had other years (i think he may have had one in spring of this year but I'm not sure). Can't seem to find any info out on the site and it was amazing 2 years ago when I went so I would...
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    Controlling the amount of tumble

    So in videos like Brians video on Rory and in a few others I've seen, he talks about using the right shoulder/forearm to rotate the club properly so that it's not stuck behind you. My question is can anyone suggest ways to fine tune the amount of doing so? I tend to either get totally...
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    Wedge Disasters

    Hi all, I was wondering if there are good ideas, drills or general rules about wedge play that could help me out. I'm currently a 6 handicap and getting very good with my long game. I would say the 4 iron is by far my best club in the bag, and I routinely hit 285-315 averages on driving. The...
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    finding the top of the backswing

    Hi All! Quick question as I struggle through an abnormal amount of practice and playing hours this season already. I've tried for a year now to figure out the best way to control my backswing, and I simply can't do it. When I visited brian I understood it somewhat, but it didn't stick. When I...
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    My Swing: a year removed from LI clinic

    A little background: I've been reading these forums for years, and last summer went to the 2 day clinic with brian and mike in long island, ny - after which I played the best golf of my life for about 3 weeks. Then I lost it, COMPLETELY, went from shooting high 70's/low 80's to 100+ and hearing...