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  1. M

    What does the left shoulder do ?

    During the downswing your right shoulder is supposed to go down toward the back of the ball, so that means the left shoulder goes up and back is this assumption correct?
  2. M

    Thoughts on hitting on the toe.

    I have been following TGM for over a year now, when I first started to apply some of the teachings I started to play the best golf of my life ball striking wise. I have started to hit everything on the toe irons go straight and sometimes hook but hit on the toe. Any type of wood is just a big...
  3. M

    What the feeling after impact?

    I started messing around with TGM last year, the one piece of swing advice I used was to bend your right wrist back and hold it thru impact. It transformed my ball striking, is it possible to hold it to long what should be the feeling right after impact? I am now taking divot roughly 4-5 inches...
  4. M

    New to Forum

    I have recently started to apply some of the basic learned on this forum. The one in practicular is the maintaning the angle formed by bending my right wrist back during my backswing into impact and after, this helps to keep my left wrist flat, I am striking the ball so well now it incredible...
  5. M

    wrist set

    How soon after impact should your wrists begin to reset, by the time you reach waist height?