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    John Rollins

    John Rollins has a great swing. I have liked it since his TGC Academy show. I hope he wins this week.
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    I had a breakthrough today

    I have been studying TGM for a few months now and I thought I knew what it meant to have your mind in your hands. I thought I did have it there. I may have had half of it there, but I think my intention was still to swing the club. Today on the range, I started to actually swing my hands. I...
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    Bertholy drill
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    Hogan pictures I took some pictures from The Man Behind the Mystique book. The first one shows how Hogan has a perfect club to right forarm alignment and has a flat left and bent right wrist into the ball. The second shows how he left arm is very solid against his...
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    Tom or Furyk Impact

    Does anyone have a picture of David Toms or Jim Furyk head on at impact?
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    Ben Doyle

    I have heard both positive and negative comments about Ben Doyle. I know Brian loves the man and teaches basically what Ben tought him. I also know that many TGM instructors don't agree with a lot of what Ben says. What exactly is it about Ben Doyle's swing procedure that some instructors...
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    Pivot Controlled Hands

    I was looking through Chapter 5 of TGM and it says that the alternative to Hand Controlled Pivot is Pivot Controlled Hand. Kelley said "That does not alter the Basic Geometry or Physics requirements, but assigns to Physics precedence over Geometry--Force dictating alignments. Wich obviously...
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    TGM Authorization

    How would I go about getting authorized? I am moving to the Pensacola, FL area in a few weeks and will be near Ron Gring who is a G.S.E.D. Can he authorize instructors? Thanks.
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    Hypothetical question

    Assume there is a 35 year old man. He has played golf since he was 23, but he only gets to play once or twice per month. He gets to hit balls 3 times per month. He played basketball in high school, so he is resonably athletic, but nothing special. He is just your average golfer. He usually...
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    Clubface vs swingpath

    Brian, Could you make a list of how swingpath and clubface effect starting direction and spin? Swingpath = spin Clubface = starting direction So: In to out with open face = a push draw Out to in with a shut face = a pull fade Do I have this right?
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    Get in this position for great ballstriking!!!
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    Lag trainer

    I just saw an infomercial on The Golf Channel for something called the Swingwave. It looks like it is one of the few legitamate training aids out there. Check it out. The list of pros that use it is quite impressive.
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    BM "5 Lessons The Modern Fundamentals of Golf"

    Brian, You should write a series of articles like Hogan wrote his book. Start with the grip, setup, backswing, downswing and outline what you think is the best stroke pattern to use. You could add a drills and checkpoints article too. This would give everyone an idea of where you are coming...
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    Real good putting site

    Brian and others, I found a really good putting site and forum in case you are interested. Some of you probably already know about it.
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    Pivot Trainer...Any reviews?
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    Swing questions

    How do you start the backswing to make sure it stays on plane? At what point in the backswing should the left wrist become flat? How do I check my swing plane on the range?
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    Training Aid

    Brian, Have you ever had experience with the Whippy TempoMaster? Have you ever seen anyone on Tour using it. It seems similar to the rope drill from TGM.
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    Please review this article for me
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    Swing Machine Golf

    Has anyone read "Swing Machine Golf" by Paul Wilson? I would appreciate a review if you have. There is a link to some of his philosophy. Thanks.
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    Bucket of water

    In "The Little Red Book" Penick recommends swinging a bucket of water like you are throwing the water out to your target to give a good feel for the swing. If nothing else, it adds some flow to it. Your opinions?