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  1. Y

    Weight Shift

    This is going to sound really stupid. However, how do you get the feeling of shifting you weight from the back to forward leg during the downswing while keeping your head back? For whatever reason, I feel my weight wherever my head is. (Thus reverse C'ing it.) Please stop rolling your eyes...
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    I tried to work on mashing last night (hitting down on the ball as though it's in a divot). I'd say 80% - 90% of the time the results were good; i.e. the ball exploded off the club face & started straight, or a little right, before drawing back to the left. However, ALL of the hits had very...
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    Left Shoulder

    I have a bum right hip/leg that has severely hindered my golf game; in distance, trajectory (very low on all shots), & consistency. I spent time yesterday re-reading some of Brian's articles to see if I could find something that would help a little. I noticed the picture and comments about...
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    Swing Jacket

    Has anyone used the Swing Jacket, as promoted by Peter Jacobson? Is it worth the money - approximately $130?