Search results

  1. J

    What's he teaching me?

    *Posted same message on Yoda's forum, but seeking more opinions. What's he teaching me? Even though I got my handicap down into the mid-single digits by the end of last year, video of my swing indicated that I have some serious flaws: an extremely bowed left wrist, a huge over-the-top...
  2. J

    Shaft bend at the top of the swing

    What are good players doing that causes shaft bend at the top of the backswing?
  3. J

    Agree or disagree with this statement

    I think most golf instructors are missing the boat on how they teach golf. If they�fre teaching a complete beginner, then they can teach the student a correct swing that is going to feel weird and unnatural at first, but as long as the student is attentive to the instruction and puts in the...
  4. J

    Keep from Bowing my Left Wrist...

    at the top of the swing? Recently I saw my swing on video for the first time ever. It was an eye-opening experience to say the least, for I was doing a lot of things I had no idea I was doing. Foremost among these things is the most extremely bowed left wrist I've ever seen in a golf swing at...
  5. J

    Generate more clubhead speed?

    ...with the longer clubs in my bag (and especially the driver)?