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  1. KappaRaider

    Off Topic: New Orleans

    Hey Brian and crew Im heading to New Orleans this Friday to watch my Cardinals play in the Final Four. Its my first time there and I am looking for suggestions on places to eat and hang out. We have rented a home very close to Audubon park and Tulane University. Let me know some "Must do's"...
  2. KappaRaider

    You all will thank me for this!

    Type "&fmt=18" at the end of any YouTube Video URL and watch it in High Def Here is an example Low Quality Alot Better Keep em in the short grass!
  3. KappaRaider

    Golf Magazine Article??

    Well, its the offseason and i havent hit a golfball in 2 1/2 months. I stumbled upon my Father-in-law's newer issue of Golf magazine and to my suprise, On the cover, there is a close-up picture of TIger's wrist after impact and they are cirlcled in gold. Its has outlined "The secret to more...
  4. KappaRaider

    Wearing out the toe!

    I have had alot of success recently with the Up the Wall, Down the wall Left of the wall swing. I was consistently hitting a nice 5 yard fade that started left of the target and floated right in there. Now i struggling with my swing (normal right before big Tournaments) and i need some tips to...
  5. KappaRaider

    David Toms in Louisville today.

    Just wondering what you guys worked on today. Up the wall, down the wall, left of the wall?
  6. KappaRaider

    Gary Player disects Hogan & Tiger swing

    Here is the video. Discuss please.
  7. KappaRaider

    Tac-tic for sale!! W/ Video

    I have a tac-tic that is about a week old. It comes with the Ben Doyle training video. Its a very good training aid. $25 Shipped Paypal accepted.