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  1. darrylc

    A couple of questions for Brian and other teachers about the left arm

    At the top of the backswing, if my left wrist is flat and I have a Manzella neutral grip, I tend to get a clubface that is "closed" to the swing plane. That is, it's not lying on the swing plane. It's more closed than that. Is that OK? Is the clubface lying on the plane at the top a good...
  2. darrylc

    Instructor in Baltimore area?

    Hello: My son-in-law has recently moved to 30 miles north of Baltimore. Does anyone know of an instructor in the area? He is willing to travel to southern PA, if necessary. Thanks! DC
  3. darrylc

    Beantown instructors?

    Hello Fellow Golfers: Can anyone recommend an "Manzella-esque" instructor within 2 hours driving distance of Boston? Thanks - DC
  4. darrylc

    What Ever Happened To The BAM!! Video????

    Brian did a video a few years ago about the "right forearm takeaway" Perhaps it has been removed from the website?