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  1. J

    Right Shoulder

    Today I concentrated on the right shoulder going directly to the ball. Am I correct in this assumption? If I use the pane of glass theory the shoulders should stay under the pane, with the strike going out to the right. I stayed in the shot much longer and the hits were much stronger.
  2. J

    Interval Training

    I practise interval training when I run and do weights. I find that this improves my my overall conditioning much faster than a normal routine.Has any one heard of interval traing for golf. Any drills, theories, or programs that,when applied, will help you get a better swing faster. Thanks.
  3. J

    Flying Wedges

    What does "Flying Wedges" mean and how do I incorporate it into my swing?
  4. J


    Why does VJ have a club lying along his toeline?
  5. J


    What tools and clubs does VJ use to help his swing? How does he keep his swing on plane so well? I notice he has a club set along his toe line. What is that for?
  6. J

    Swing Speed

    Today I had my swing speed measured at 70 MPH. I hit the ball between 190 and 220 yards, with a driver. Does anyone have numerical data that translates MPH to yards. I have read and heard that for every mile the club travels, the ball goes 3 yards. If so, how do I increase my swing speed. Thank you.