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  1. cmat

    As seen on the Golf Channel

    I saw a guy last night from Hawaii who said that you should try to keep your right hip inside your right foot on the backswing. Just fooling around swinging without a club, this seems like a more powerful coil. This was the first time I had seen anything suggesting this, not saying nobody has...
  2. cmat


    How do I practice putting withoout getting a backache? About ten minutes is all I can stand without the pain getting unbearable. I really need to start working on it more, I 5 putted from about 35 ft yesterday, and 3 putted several greens
  3. cmat

    my swing feel

    I have noticed that when I am hitting the driver best, I literally swing out of my shoes, meaning I stand up through impact onto my toes. I don't necessarily swing hard, maybe 85%. Is this a power leak, and if so what can I try to focus on to correct this?
  4. cmat

    new set of irons

    I just got a new set of irons and played them for the first time last weekend. The problem is that I can't hit the ball straight without a very strong grip. My old irons were straight as an arrow, just didn't go far enough, and these did better than anything else I hit at the store, but at the...
  5. cmat

    look familiar?

    mms:// look familiar?