Search results

  1. L

    best laser trainer

    Which laser trainer--the Leadbetter one or the Harmon one--is better? Thanks.
  2. L

    digital video camera

    I am in need of a digital camcorder that will enable to see my swing on super slow motion. I am willing to spend up to $500 or possibly $600. I know this issue has been discussed before on this forum, but I was wondering if someone could give some examples of specific models I could buy that...
  3. L

    blocks and push slices

    I have a 10 handicap, yet I can't seem to get rid of my blocks and weak push slices (with irons and woods). I have fairly good lag, and my left wrist is pretty flat at impact, but I come into impact with the clubface open. My body is in pretty decent position at impact (i.e., hips are 30 to 45...