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  1. F

    Bruce leitzke

    I have been working with the soft draw pattern for two months now. The first week I hit it great, but I have lost my swing. (Not due to the pattern, probably weight shift and open clubface stuff that will require a "hands on lesson") Anyhow I looked at Bruce Leitzke's swing on youtube and it...
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    over the top

    I have made great progress with the soft draw pattern. I have been working with it for a month now. But as usual I lost my swing. I have turned into a over the top chop with a side order of ball bound. I was able to hit a few decent ones out of a bucket today by making my only swing thought...
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    working with the soft draw!

    Thanks for the awsome video, it is working as advertised, if I am tired I sometimes hold it off instead of doing the toss I guess. but thanks again.
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    straightening right wrist ?

    When using the NSA pattern, (or any pattern for that matter) should you actively uncock, or straight either wrist angle, bend or cocking before impact? I can swing amost full speed and hold the wristcocks all the way to the finish, but I seem to get better divots and contact when I straighten...
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    Angled hinge

    Here recently I have been striking the ball pretty good (for me ). My pattern is NSA . My question is that I am conciously angle hinging at the bottom after holding right wrist bent as long as possible. It seems to give me that sizzle a previous poster was looking for. I guess what I would like...
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    Tracing plane line?

    First, if tracing the plane with a laser in the but of club, assuming that the head and then laser are on the target line is that the "the plane"? Secondly, it feels completly unnatural and wrong. and I cant hardly hit a ball from those positions. I only thought I was too steep before. My drives...