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  1. E

    How to shallow out a downswing

    Anyone have any suggestions to shallow out a downswing? I've had someone say to take practice swings on an upslope. Any other drills or training aids?
  2. E

    My swing-comments?

    I am not new to Brian's site, but I just read and don't post very often. Here is a swing of mine taken last February. Here is what I see, but not sure how or if I should fix....back is a little rounded at set up, arms don't rotate well going back causing a vertical shaft. At the top, the...
  3. E

    Knock the sugar off your arms?

    I've watched all of Brians videos on YouTube. Very nicely done. But, there was a feeling Brian mentions of "shake/knock the sugar off of your arms" as you come into impact. I'm guessing this is the point where both arms straighten at the lowpoint of the swing. My problem is, if I try to do...
  4. E

    Straightening Left Leg at Impact

    Hi all, Here is something that I've been tinkering with for a few months. First a little about my swing...pretty good move back off the ball. Left arm across the shoulder line. Not intentionally single plane, but close to it naturally. Downswing has a fair amount of lateral movement to it...
  5. E

    Right forearm and shaft in line at setup?

    Looking for a little advice. I have spent just a little time on another TGM website, but like the plain language I see over here, a little more. How important is it that I set up with the right forearm on the shaft plane? I understand it gets there at impact, should I also set up that way?