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  1. E

    DancinDogg v. P3Pro

    There's a fairly new product out: Has anybody tried it? I'm wondering how it compares to the p3pro: It looks like the p3pro somehow provides more data points (angle of attack, toe and heel heights) than the dancindogg but the dogg is...
  2. E

    Two Questions About Hands

    I'm just starting to learn about TGM (and very hopeful) and had a couple of questions that have been bugging me (especially now after several beers): - The grip that seems to be commonly recommended in general is a slightly strong grip where the left hand pad is on top of the club and the left...
  3. E

    Flipping and Right Shoulder

    I've been trying to solve my (still very bad) flipping problem and I think one thing in particular may be helping me. I think a major cause of my flipping is that I wasn't dropping my right shoulder on the downswing enough. If your right shoulder is not low enough then you can't reach the ball...