Search results

  1. F

    Intermediate Target

    How many of you use intermediate target(s) in alignment? And has it helped you in any way? How many of you visualize a landing spot on the green when chipping? Has it helped you in any way?
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    After seeing someone else doing this drill, I tried it out and had success doing it. My question goes, however, what it is this drill helps you do better. Is it getting on the right plane? Keeping spine angle? Proper hip rotation? The drill seems to do a lot of good for me, but I was just...
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    Plane Line Control

    What is it and how can it be learned? Any suggestions to drills and info on the subject is highly appreciated
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    FLW - Putting

    Having read that you should apply the imperative of TGM to putting, I was just pondering how important that flat left wrist really is for putting, and why? Also, what methods do use you teach yourself to draw a straight plane line when putting...Excerises, anything?
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    Elbows at Setup

    At address, should one avoid allowing the elbows to point sideways away from the body? If so, how come...any influence on swing path...? Disadvantages and advantages of this setup method And, does positioning the ball forward help squaring the clubface more easily when having lots of hip slide...
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    Clubface control

    Ok, I want to learn to control the clubface, but has no clue how to go about it? So to the guys who can control the did you go about it? What drills did you do? How did you start the learning process? What abilities should you possess before you take on this task? Anything...
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    Hip Turn - Hip Slant (with Brian Manzella Video Answer)

    Is the key to a proper pivot a level turn of the hips? Or is the man in the video below just bs'ing about something that isn't important? What's your opinion of the message told in the video below? Good, bad, any flaws to it?
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    What is in your opinion imperatives for a good setup? Mid-body hands, lower straight back, ball position etc? IOW, what do you look for in a good setup?
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    Pre-Round Practicing

    How do you go about practicing just before a tournament round? I've found that it helps me to hit small pitch shots and thereby groove my swing tempo for the round. Anyone tried this or another method that has helped you out.
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    Ruth, Your Old Lady-Hacker

    Here's Ruth. She's a 75-year-old lady with an unmatched wish to improve, that is to hit it 115-20 yards consistantly. The case is that she doesn't. All her golfing life, she has been struggling not to hit every shot known to man. Desperately wanting help, she came to me and asked if I had an...
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    Grip pressure

    Which fingers should feel the pressure when gripping? Know that the right forefinger should be feeling the pressure when it comes down to the right hand, but what about the other hand?
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    Shoulderstroke in Putting

    Gotta a few questions for the putting gurus in here: How do you determine you got a shoulder-stroke in putting? Any way to quickly determine this? Also, how do you measure you got correct face angle at impact without using a computer, camera or puttinglab instrument? Any drills to improve...
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    Grip Thickness

    Probably old, but does grip thickness influence ball flight. Like having a thin grip is good when you slice and a thick grip is good if you hook the ball? Or do these considerations not have any importance whatsoever, and if not, why?
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    Compiling Statistics

    Many probably count how many greens, fairways and putts they hit on a round. But what statistics do you guys compile in order to tell you why you hit so many putts, fairways and greens on a round compared to another round? I know people count how many greens, fairways and putts they hit, but...
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    Clubfitter visit

    I'm going to see a clubfitter within the week for the first time ever...What should I be aware of and what should I take into account?
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    Swing of a lifetime

    Well, guess my swing isn't just that, but having looked around here for some time know sucking up everything relevant, I've developed the following swing: Gotta say that my work on my swing this winter mainly has...
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    Forefingers down shaft

    Anyone putting their forefingers down each side af the putter shaft? What you would say are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?
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    Training Rookies

    Hi Brian How would go about training a group of total rookies of different age and physical condition for a week? Your aim is to ensure that each participant hits it 120 yards on a constant basis when the course is over. Thanks.
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    Big Shoulder Turn

    I'm trying to copy the "to the wall to the ball" shoulder turn that Brian describes in his 4th episode on YouTube. Doing pretty well, but would love to know what you guys see as the disadvantages and advantages of a big shoulder turn?
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    Short Irons

    I got two questions for you guys outthere: 1: What would be your guideslines or imperatives for hitting short irons (p, 9, 8 and wedges), i.e: setup, weight shift, plane etc. 2: Assuming that setup and alignment is correct, what is the most common causes for hitting putts right of the hole...