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  1. M

    Models to aspire to

    I'm a very visual person, describing what we need to do can only take me so far in improving my swing. Would it be fair to say that someone like Sam Snead is a fair representation of the ideas and directions being discussed here and at Golf Wise Guys? sam snead golf swing - YouTube
  2. M

    What is wrong with me?

    Here is a question for all you instructors and aspiring pop psychologists, I am a low single digit handicap, there are even times (granted, few and fair between) where I get on a roll and shoot rounds under par. I have played off and on since I was 14, played all four years for my high...
  3. M

    Swingbyte Numbers

    Where I live there isn't a flightscope or trackman at my disposal, so a Swingbyte is the next best thing I can get my hands on. Granted, I know it will never be as accurate but it gives a decent idea. I compiled an average of impact numbers from five random swings with a 7 iron and a driver...
  4. M

    Body Type and the golf swing

    I have always wondered if there has been a correlation between body type and the golf swing and if there have been any honest-to-God studies on it. I own a book called "The LAWs of the Golf Swing: Body-Type Your Golf Swing and Master Your Game " by Mike Adams and it does go into detail about...
  5. M

    Has anyone tried The Sybervision Impact Zone?

    From what I understand it's new. Bobby Clampett teamed up with Sybervision and applied their tech to his book Impact Zone and put it on DVD. Just curious to see if anyone has tried it out and if there are any useful reviews of it besides the ones that are obvious advertisements.
  6. M

    What am I doing wrong here?

    Hi all! My ball striking started off well this year, but it has gone down hill in the past few weeks. I'm hitting a lot of fades when I dont mean to and then also have some pulls and the occasional hosel rocket. When I look at my swing on video I dont understand how I'm seemingly getting stuck...
  7. M

    My swing (with video)

    Hi all! This is my first time posting my swing on the Forum and I'm looking for a bit of advice/critiques. First I'll say that I know I look a bit hunched over at address and my swing is a bit below plane (didnt know that til I saw it on video) My ball flight has been a bit inconsistant lately...
  8. M

    How to post video

    I just got stationed in Korea and I guess youtube is complying with the real name law here (which I have no idea what that means) but, it wont allow me to upload video. Any of ya'll know another way to post swing videos on the forum?
  9. M

    Help! Early Hips!

    I have a problem with clearing my hips too quickly on the downswing which causes me to work my pelvis under (towards the ball) and makes my right hip get infront of my right elbow forcing me to flip at the bottom. My foot work is good (right heel stays on the ground until impact) and I still hit...