175-yard wedge? A 260-yard six-iron? A 300-yard putter..

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Simply incredible!!!! I could fathom such distance if he were 6'8' and had 275 pounds of muscle. I can't even fathom such distance at his height and build and I'm not a short hitter. He's unique!
It's one thing to hear the numbers in relation to his size. I swear those numbers are inflated; he's not a very big guy at all. Athletic looking, but small. I took a picture with him, and I swear if he stood behind me, you'd never know he was there. That's how much smaller he was than me. Amazing, and a little irritating, that someone that small can hit the ball that far.

BTW, I saw those same distances. And he was hitting a cut!!!
haha. Can the average golfer take anything from the long hitter guys and apply it to their swing in order to gain some controllable distance? What do they do differently from everyone else? The man hits his 6 iron as far as a lot of people hit their drivers.
Lol just great.

Most men piss their names in snow...Chuck pisses his name in concrete! (picture it!!...feel the wind!)

K I'm done.
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Bolton International has a 720 yard par 6. At charity event last year, he would hit 2 shots for each foursome passing thru and could often hit the green in 2 - 420+300!
Wonder what the loft is on that putter compared to his driver.

BTW, there were no giraffes until Chuck Norris upercutted a horse.


Wonder what he hits from 50 yards?

If Chuck Norris is ever late....... time better slow the %&*# down.
Wonder what he hits from 50 yards?

i saw a guy the other say that was carrying his gap wedge 150, and was striping range balls with his 3 wood 270 in the air.

couldn't hit a 50 yard pitch to save his life. one would go 40, the next 70.

when chuck norris does division, there are no remainders.
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