Greetings ...
Whether You Love It or Hate It, the PGA Tour's 2004 Q-School is about to get cranked up.
Here's a link to the qualifying sites --- This link includes a link for a downloadable Adobe PDF file containing the official 2004 Q-School Application Form. The form includes all details about what and what not to do during competition. The form also tells you about exemptions from first and second stage qualifier rounds.
The application MUST REACH the PGA Tour office by 5:00 PM EDT on Friday September 17, 2004.
If you make it all the way into the final stage of qualifying, your goal is to be among the Top 30 and ties - that earns you a PGA Tour Card for 2005. The next 50 and ties get unconditional Nationwide Tour exempt status.
On a related note, click-on here for Champions Tour Q-School Info
Thanx-A-Lot and Good Luck to all you aspiring Wanna-Beez
Frank-0-Sport --- How to Join the PGA Tour
Whether You Love It or Hate It, the PGA Tour's 2004 Q-School is about to get cranked up.
Here's a link to the qualifying sites --- This link includes a link for a downloadable Adobe PDF file containing the official 2004 Q-School Application Form. The form includes all details about what and what not to do during competition. The form also tells you about exemptions from first and second stage qualifier rounds.
The application MUST REACH the PGA Tour office by 5:00 PM EDT on Friday September 17, 2004.
If you make it all the way into the final stage of qualifying, your goal is to be among the Top 30 and ties - that earns you a PGA Tour Card for 2005. The next 50 and ties get unconditional Nationwide Tour exempt status.
On a related note, click-on here for Champions Tour Q-School Info
Thanx-A-Lot and Good Luck to all you aspiring Wanna-Beez
Frank-0-Sport --- How to Join the PGA Tour