Is it worth going? I have a free flight and room. Is making tee times to play that weekend tough? I've got my eye on a few courses about 30 mins northeast of Orlando.
It's dangerous to fly nowadays. Most hotels in Orlando are very dangerous. The walking will really wear you out. I know a few here were trying to be nice and say it's worth going but I really need to be truthful here and tell you - you'd save money and enjoy it more if I just sent you some video of the key events with all the non-essentials cut out. PM me and I'll give you my address to send the airline ticket and hotel room reservation. I'll need some cash for food and golf - so include that also.Is it worth going? I have a free flight and room. Is making tee times to play that weekend tough? I've got my eye on a few courses about 30 mins northeast of Orlando.
It's dangerous to fly nowadays. Most hotels in Orlando are very dangerous. The walking will really wear you out. I know a few here were trying to be nice and say it's worth going but I really need to be truthful here and tell you - you'd save money and enjoy it more if I just sent you some video of the key events with all the non-essentials cut out. PM me and I'll give you my address to send the airline ticket and hotel room reservation. I'll need some cash for food and golf - so include that also.
Your true friend,
Mike O.