3 ball drill

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brian recommened this drill to me to help when I am hooking the ball.

How far apart should the balls be?

He showed me this diagram to set them up (O being the ball)



So what is this drill suppose to do? I imagine you try to hit the middle ball, but with a 4 to 5 inch gap, is it hard? If you're a hooker, coming inside out with the ball closest to you further forward, what does the drill do? Seems if you moved the closest ball further back it would tend to make you more vertical. Maybe help a hooker.
I don't know...

I tried the drill yesterday with the ball 2 inches apart (from middle ball each way) and hit the middle ball with ease and still hooked.

I'm sure it's me, not the drill.
You needed to stop hooking??

Cause that'll make you swing to the right......

You either need more lag and tilt........maybe some "drop and pivot" (drop the club then left shoulder UP! thru the ball)....

.....or.....have u seen "Never Hook Again"??

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
30yrlayoff said:
I tried the drill yesterday with the ball 2 inches apart (from middle ball each way) and hit the middle ball with ease and still hooked.

I'm sure it's me, not the drill.




If you placed the balls like this and you are STILL hooking the ball your left wrist is not flat enough. Thus you have a square or closed face at impact (due to a potentially bent left wrist) and the clubface is pointing LEFT at separation. So what happens?

Draw or hook.


You are over doing the "twistaway" and you are arriving into impact with a flat left wrist and a closed clubface and everything else above applies.

You need to do the above drill and get the feeling that your left thumb is more "under" the club at the top of the swing. You need to learn to hit the ball with an open face with the same swing path.

Jim Kobylinski said:



If you placed the balls like this and you are STILL hooking the ball your left wrist is not flat enough. Thus you have a square or closed face at impact (due to a potentially bent left wrist) and the clubface is pointing LEFT at separation. So what happens?

Draw or hook.


You are over doing the "twistaway" and you are arriving into impact with a flat left wrist and a closed clubface and everything else above applies.

You need to do the above drill and get the feeling that your left thumb is more "under" the club at the top of the swing. You need to learn to hit the ball with an open face with the same swing path.

Thanks for the info Jim.

Something I found on the range tonight. I was hooking, slicing...it was just getting uglier by the moment. Videoed some swings and noticed I was in a weird position in the back swing. Yet, I couldn't fix it. Went back and looked at the video and noticed my setup and hands looked a bit funny. Gave a litte more squat to the setup and let my hands hang under my chin (they got higher somehow) and MAN.....was hitting the 3 iron like a 7 with distance.

Brian Manzella

The OTHER Three Ball Drill

I ONLY have golfers do this drill if they need to hit the INSIDE OF THE BALL a lot more than they do.


Maybe a SEVERE pull-hooker.

Glad you are hittin' it good, Bill.
For the furture...

I ONLY have golfers do this drill if they need to hit the INSIDE OF THE BALL a lot more than they do.


Maybe a SEVERE pull-hooker.

Glad you are hittin' it good, Bill.

I'm sure I'll still need this drill. How far apart should the balls be? Also, the ball farthest right is the ball on outside of target line, right???

Yeah, I got Never Hook....

You needed to stop hooking??

Cause that'll make you swing to the right......

You either need more lag and tilt........maybe some "drop and pivot" (drop the club then left shoulder UP! thru the ball)....

.....or.....have u seen "Never Hook Again"??

I wasn't comfortable with the swing in Never Hook. The hooking comes and goes with me but is usually temporary. Though, it has been present for about a week now.

I think what I found is...my set up was causing a funky plane in the backswing. By changing the setup, I got the club back better (I was pivoting my heart out with no success) and came into the ball perfect.

Hopefully, when i hit the range tonight, this will hold up as correct for a second session....and then work on the course saturday.
Left Wrist




If you placed the balls like this and you are STILL hooking the ball your left wrist is not flat enough. Thus you have a square or closed face at impact (due to a potentially bent left wrist) and the clubface is pointing LEFT at separation. So what happens?

Draw or hook.


You are over doing the "twistaway" and you are arriving into impact with a flat left wrist and a closed clubface and everything else above applies.

You need to do the above drill and get the feeling that your left thumb is more "under" the club at the top of the swing. You need to learn to hit the ball with an open face with the same swing path.

That's my problem, I have a square or closed clubface all the way from the top, so at separation I hold my left wrist (too much) and not really "swivel", I feel that if I turn my left wrist it's going to close the clubface during Impact/separation... hello Pull/Hook!

Here is Swing Video -


Is it a mechanical thing or just mentally? Why am I not able to get this Horizonal Hinge especially with my driver,
where I need to fully uncock and roll the Left Wrist the most!

Look at my LEFT WRIST at Impact\separation and after, it almost reverse roll! ala Zack Johnson (almost vertical hinged)



I'm tired from this Angled hinge with the driver, it feels unnatural holding the left wrist.

It's almost feel like a flip...

Thank you
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