3 days with Brian in Loueyville....(long, sorry)

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I golfed as a teenager for about 4 years. I thought I did pretty good then as I shot in the 90s with the old style clubs. When I got back into the game after 30yrs away from it, I thought it would be a piece of cake with all the newly found free time I had, technology in clubs, balls, and the internet to teach me how.

So, in my first year (started playing July 05), I started off shootin' horrible. 125-135 scores. How did this game get so dang hard? During that year, I was able to bring my scores down to an avg. of 100. I read the hell out of everything I could on the web and took lessons from 3 different instructors. Still, I felt I wasn't getting the correct info (either on my own or through instruction) to get me past the plateau I was stuck on. I had guys I play golf with telling me to relax, this stuff takes years and years to learn. That answer just didn't work with me!

Then I discovered TGM. I thought to myself...this is the answer! I started living on LB's internet site and considered going to ATL to take some lessons. However, in the brief time I put into studying his info and trying to incorporate it into my game....I got worse...and worse to where I felt like giving up and going back to racing motorcycles ( a sport that has left me half crippled).

I remembered reading some of Brian's stuff during some of my earlier internet searches (hit the ball on the inside article) and started living on his site. Brian made the TGM stuff make sense using terms you could understand, feel, and even visualize. Still, I tried to incorporate things from his articles and videos and had some success...but knew I had bad habits ingrained in my game keeping me from figuring it out as quickly as I wanted. I am part of this "microwave" society that wants it fast and hot.

So, I called Brian and scheduled some time over a two day period (6 hours). Brian saw me hit two balls and that was enough. Even though I had been working on "twistaway" and flat left wrist into the ball....I still didn't get it . If I didn't get it then, I do now. Thanks to Brian's instruction, I think I can bend my left wrist down about 20* more than before. The things to fix in my swing were: Flat left wrist/bent right from back to follow through; poor execution of pivot (swaying instead of turning around the spine), really stiff arms on backswing, letting the club swing out on the down swing, hitting the back on the ball, steering the ball after impact (goodbye yellow brick road), no swivel, trying to kill the ball, etc........ No wonder I had trouble breaking 100.

After the 2nd day with Brian, I went out that afternoon and played golf with my brother. I bet you're waiting on me to say I shot the best game of my life...right? NOT! Actually, the first 7 holes I couldn't hit a shot to save my life. HORRIBLE! Too much info going on in my little pea brain. However, from the 8th hole on, some things started to click and I did shoot a really good back 9. The recoginzation that this was going to work with time caused me to want to have one more session before I left town. So, we hooked up again on a day later for some finishing touches and Brian made a video focusing on the main things we worked on during the last 3 days.

After going through travel purgatory on the flight home, I got to the range last night. First half dozen shots were....well, I'm glad Brian wasn't there to see 'em. However, a few moments of going over "twistaway, keep Brian's finger hooked on the clubface to impact, the puppy jumpin' through the hoop, and...my own creation of a Brianism "SHOW ME YA MUSCLE" (picture a little kid showing his left muscle when you think this....the move I make with the left arm to properly make the swivel with bent right wrist and flat left wrist...holding the twistaway to finish)....the shots started coming around and the misses were still totally playable shots.

Here is the best praise I can give you about Brian's teaching. I am not instantly going to go to a single digit handicap after 3 sessions. However, I now have the blueprint to get there. I can see it happening. All I have to do is practice and execute. For me, this is going to take 90-120 days to see really good, permanent results. For a long time golfer that is a mid to low handicapper, maybe the swing changes are more immediate. The praise though is this...as long as I am on this planet playing golf and Brian is the same and teaching it, I will be traveling to see Brian for any and all golf instruction (or pounding his email with questions..grin). Additionally, Brian's personality is such that I felt like I made a new life long friend as well.

So Brian, if the Golf Channel calls you and wants you take a high handicapper and take him into the 80's or better, I'm your huckleberry! It's a cinch you got the goods to get someone there...even if it's me!

I'll post some before and after swing videos as I get a bunch of what Brian showed me grooved into my new swing.
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I like that "show me your muscle" thing. It fits perfectly...

What's this "yellow brick road"? I've heard it a few times now.

Puppy jumpin through hoop?


He's the king of "isms" isn't he???

Yellow Brick Road - Swing left after impact. Brian puts up to four balls in certain spots you should be swinging over after impact. You basically try to follow the "yellow brick road" (actually, we had a yellow ball in my brick road).

Puppy jumpin' through the hoop - at impact position, you should see a little gap in the arms....such as a little puppy doing tricks could jump through.

Thanks for the "muscle" comment. I couldn't get the left wrist flat, swivel, finish position to save my life. I used the "dribble the basketball up and down the skate ramp" visualization and said Hmmmmmm, what should my left arm be doing with this. The movement I made reminded me of my kids when they were really small and I'd say "Show me ya muscle". It worked perfect after that.

Oh, yeah, since you are probably going to ask. The "dribble the basketball up and down the skate ramp" is the right wrist bent position. Imagine dribbling a basketball with right hand. Now imagine you are on a skate ramp (like you see on Xgames...the u shaped ramp where they do all the stunts) and you dribble up the wall behind you (position of right wrist at top of back swing) then dribble down the wall and up the other side keeping right palm down the entire time. The back side is always facing you.

birdie_man said:

I like that "show me your muscle" thing. It fits perfectly...

What's this "yellow brick road"? I've heard it a few times now.

Puppy jumpin through hoop?


The walls of the u (skate ramp)

are on your sides . Imagine this ramp was close to you and you were going to dribble a basketball on it. If you used your right hand, how would it look? Now, dribble the ball up the right side wall(backswing). To keep the ball bouncin', what your your right wrist look like? Now dribble down the right wall, across the front of you, and up the left wall. This is how your right hand looks (minus the dribble) throughout the entire swing. The wrist is always bent back and...you always see the back of your hand.
You are standing on the bottom of the "U". If you reached out to your sides, you'd be able to lay your hands flat on the upright sides of the "U".
30yrlayoff said:
are on your sides . Imagine this ramp was close to you and you were going to dribble a basketball on it. If you used your right hand, how would it look? Now, dribble the ball up the right side wall(backswing). To keep the ball bouncin', what your your right wrist look like? Now dribble down the right wall, across the front of you, and up the left wall. This is how your right hand looks (minus the dribble) throughout the entire swing. The wrist is always bent back and...you always see the back of your hand.

Ah! icic...kk I get it...thanks guys.

What's the deal with going up the east ramp tho.....that's not like a golf swing....?.....your palm faces away from you....?
I love the skate ramp one :) I used it to practice today and it worked really well for me. I started just doing it with my arms to get the feel then just allowed my body to turn through with the u in mind. Had some really fantastic easy shots.

I LOVE this site :)


birdie_man said:
Ah! icic...kk I get it...thanks guys.

What's the deal with going up the east ramp tho.....that's not like a golf swing....?.....your palm faces away from you....?

imho, it's the ultimate "hitting" stroke...
Oh ohh, more confusion. So if I drag the club up to a float load then come down using the u basketball drill, does that make me a hitter?
If you are holding the full twistaway as it's taught....

birdie_man said:
Ah! icic...kk I get it...thanks guys.

What's the deal with going up the east ramp tho.....that's not like a golf swing....?.....your palm faces away from you....?

From backswing to follow-thru, you see the back of the right hand. It does work! Not that it's the easiest thing to employ though.
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