Well...It is the day after my lesson and my head is still trying to digest everything we went over. Overall I would say I now have an understanding of my golf swing and what I need to do to get where I want to with my game. Brian is a great instructor who can explain in plain ole english what you need to do to improve your swing.
We started off with some simple iron swings so he could see where we needed to start. After a few swings he checked out my grip and backswing which needed minor tweaks. The grip change was not bad and I am getting the felling of my new backswing (which is nothing exteme just a new swing thought).
I won't go into details of everything but I am very impressed with the lesson especially the short game matrix. I feel like that and the putting are really going to help me.
Brain thank you and feel free to chime in if you feel like it. I will keep you up to date with my progress!
Thanks and hope you made it to PGA west on time