35 Yard Shots

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I work a lot with the sand wedge hitting this distance, landing it half way and the rest roll. Yesterday I worked on hitting it with both sides, that is both hands. It was an amazing feeling as the ball left the face a lot easier and the roll was truer. Is this correct? Can anyone help with my thinking on this. I felt I had discovered a better way for me. Your thoughts are appreciated. Jim Blackwell


Jim: Could you go into what you mean by hitting it with both sides/both hands? Were you practicing one armed swings? Thanks.
Originally posted by hue

Jim: Could you go into what you mean by hitting it with both sides/both hands? Were you practicing one armed swings? Thanks. Normally I take the club back with left hand and hit the ball with the right hand. That's a feeling I have. Yesterday I concentrated on taking the club back with both hands and hitting through with the feelings of both hands. This sounds confusing but the feeling was definetly there. It seemed to me to be so much easier to hit the ball this way. The sound was solid, the club moved through the ball easier and the height and roll was excellent. I await your feedback. Thanks. Jim


Jim: If you work on the flat left wrist at impact you get the feeling of the left hand being in contol of the club face. I feel that the left hand is hitting through in a backhand hit not unlike how a tennis player hits a backhand. The straightening of the right arm "extensor action" provides the right hand hit but the right wrist should be bent back a bit through impact you do not want the right wrist flipping which your old action would seem to promote. On the right hand where the trigger finger meets the hand on the rear side of the shaft I feel pressure caused by the hands leading the club into impact "Pressure point 3". You want to feel this and cultivate this feel. The hands should work together in this way. Your old way would seem to encourage the right hand over powering the left causing the left wrist to cup and set up a flipping action. I would recomend that you do single arm swinging drills monitoring the flat left wrist with your left hand and checking that the right wrist is bent back a bit as you go through the ball with your right. You can do this at the same time with two clubs. There is a bit in the Ben Doyle video where he demonstrates this. The video would help you a lot see www.bendoylegolf.com Hope this helps.
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