In an effort to avoid any future confrontations and to just simply go into learning mode.. I'm going to avoid any future divulgance of information even if it reguards a part of the book I understand. I'll leave that up to Brian and Yoda.
Instead, I would like to focus my attention to my own swing which has progressed quite well with one particular notion on the forward swing (excuse me.. downswing).. and that is to generate a Right arm sweeping motion by first advancing my right elbow well ahead of my hands and in front of (not behind or to the side of) my right hip.
The evidence is pretty clear when you compare the following images..
The first picture is of my swing prior to the 12th of October, where as the first day I tried the sweeping motion (October 12th) is the second picture.
For full video of both swings.. <--Face On Old swing <--Rear view Old Swing <-- New swing Rear View <-- New swing Face On
If you spot anything else you would like to comment on, please feel free. I have heard a lot from other boards, but quite frankly, most of it has been geared toward the non-TGM concepts. I would really like to explore further.
Instead, I would like to focus my attention to my own swing which has progressed quite well with one particular notion on the forward swing (excuse me.. downswing).. and that is to generate a Right arm sweeping motion by first advancing my right elbow well ahead of my hands and in front of (not behind or to the side of) my right hip.
The evidence is pretty clear when you compare the following images..
The first picture is of my swing prior to the 12th of October, where as the first day I tried the sweeping motion (October 12th) is the second picture.
For full video of both swings.. <--Face On Old swing <--Rear view Old Swing <-- New swing Rear View <-- New swing Face On
If you spot anything else you would like to comment on, please feel free. I have heard a lot from other boards, but quite frankly, most of it has been geared toward the non-TGM concepts. I would really like to explore further.