Hi All,
First time poster here. I just watched "Confessions" this morning and it solidified some of my ideas about powering the swing with the pivot and letting the arms and hands go along for the ride.
Since I've been playing golf, (5 years), I have always had trouble with my strong arms overtaking the downswing motion, causing casting and flipping. Just recently, after a lesson, I think I have finally begun to understand the feeling of a proper pivot. My swing thought that is sort of working for me now is to feel like I am over rotating my hips so that my belt buckle is facing the target at impact. (I know it's not, that's just what I'm trying to feel) This seems to leave the arms, hands and club behind and promote a "late hit". This doesn't work all the time but I think I'm on the right track.
My first question is this: For those who have an over active upper body and arms, what do you try to feel in the downswing that keeps the arms from taking over?
Second question: I read an article that said that if you try to keep your elbows very close together on the downswing, this will contract the chest muscles and keep a tight upper body unit that will keep the arms from taking over. Is there any validity to this thought?
First time poster here. I just watched "Confessions" this morning and it solidified some of my ideas about powering the swing with the pivot and letting the arms and hands go along for the ride.
Since I've been playing golf, (5 years), I have always had trouble with my strong arms overtaking the downswing motion, causing casting and flipping. Just recently, after a lesson, I think I have finally begun to understand the feeling of a proper pivot. My swing thought that is sort of working for me now is to feel like I am over rotating my hips so that my belt buckle is facing the target at impact. (I know it's not, that's just what I'm trying to feel) This seems to leave the arms, hands and club behind and promote a "late hit". This doesn't work all the time but I think I'm on the right track.
My first question is this: For those who have an over active upper body and arms, what do you try to feel in the downswing that keeps the arms from taking over?
Second question: I read an article that said that if you try to keep your elbows very close together on the downswing, this will contract the chest muscles and keep a tight upper body unit that will keep the arms from taking over. Is there any validity to this thought?