Granted I know this is Brians forum, but I had to share this story with everyone.
I had a lesson today with someone who came to me saying he was just flat out inconsistent. Didn't know if it was going left or right from one shot to the next. He would even top it, hit worm burners, pop ups.. the whole gambit. When he did hit it, he was short. Barely hitting his driver over 150.
I asked him what he was trying to do with the club.. and he told me something very key that we have all probably heard over and over again before.
"Everyone tells me to stay controlled and not go more than 75%."
So I asked him.
"What would happen if you just freed it up and let it go?"
So he gets up there with the ball tee'd up and what do you suppose happend first swing? Striped it 200 down the middle with a pretty low ball flight, but higher than he was normally hitting it.
So my next question to him was, "So these people that tell you to stay controlled, how much money have they taken from you in bets?"
He laughed of course. As he kept hitting balls, other thoughts would of course pop into his mind than staying relaxed and here's what HE discovered.
He had a classic tensing up at impact. If his right arm tensed up then he hit it dead right. When his left arm tensed up, he would hit it dead left.
I asked him to just see if he tenses up anywhere in his swing. Then if he could remember, what body part tensed. After a few swings he KNEW, everytime, without exception. I never told him to do anything other than observe this tension and identify it. That's it.
Well he went out right after that 10 minute lesson and played 9 holes. He came back telling me it was the best 9 holes he's ever played and every time he made a mistake he KNEW what it was, right when it happend. He wasn't just guessing.
I would say this was the best lesson I have ever given if it weren't for me giving that exact same lesson to at least another 50 people.
Folks.. learn to simply observe. Stop TRYING to do things unless you already KNOW what you ARE doing. Just guessing will never give you full improvement.
Thank you for the momentary soap box.
I had a lesson today with someone who came to me saying he was just flat out inconsistent. Didn't know if it was going left or right from one shot to the next. He would even top it, hit worm burners, pop ups.. the whole gambit. When he did hit it, he was short. Barely hitting his driver over 150.
I asked him what he was trying to do with the club.. and he told me something very key that we have all probably heard over and over again before.
"Everyone tells me to stay controlled and not go more than 75%."
So I asked him.
"What would happen if you just freed it up and let it go?"
So he gets up there with the ball tee'd up and what do you suppose happend first swing? Striped it 200 down the middle with a pretty low ball flight, but higher than he was normally hitting it.
So my next question to him was, "So these people that tell you to stay controlled, how much money have they taken from you in bets?"
He laughed of course. As he kept hitting balls, other thoughts would of course pop into his mind than staying relaxed and here's what HE discovered.
He had a classic tensing up at impact. If his right arm tensed up then he hit it dead right. When his left arm tensed up, he would hit it dead left.
I asked him to just see if he tenses up anywhere in his swing. Then if he could remember, what body part tensed. After a few swings he KNEW, everytime, without exception. I never told him to do anything other than observe this tension and identify it. That's it.
Well he went out right after that 10 minute lesson and played 9 holes. He came back telling me it was the best 9 holes he's ever played and every time he made a mistake he KNEW what it was, right when it happend. He wasn't just guessing.
I would say this was the best lesson I have ever given if it weren't for me giving that exact same lesson to at least another 50 people.
Folks.. learn to simply observe. Stop TRYING to do things unless you already KNOW what you ARE doing. Just guessing will never give you full improvement.
Thank you for the momentary soap box.