A little advice on eating before playing

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I wanted to change the mood of my last bleating post about my abysmal putting and ask for a little input about my dilemma for eating in the evenings.

Here's the deal

I leave work every day between 4:30-5:30 (depending on if we're busy) and head straight to the course. I will play or practice until dark every day, Right now it gets dark around 8:00. (DST rocks). After leaving the golf course, I go to the gym and get in my 45-60 minutes of cardio or weights. That leaves me getting home around 10:00. After getting a shower it's way too late to eat. But man......I'm so hungry I could eat a cactus.

I don't want to grab fast food to eat on the way to the course everyday because it's way too expensive, and there's no healthy places between work and the course. So, I need some suggestions.

What can I eat that's healthy and quick, that won't fill me up too much to play, but will keep me from trying to eat my keyboard at night? I try and keep my calorie intake around 2500 a day, especially during the playing season because I'm just too tired to work out as hard as I do in the winter.

I have a salad every day at lunch that includes some chicken and that's my main meal of the day. But I need something to eat between noon and breakfast the next morning.

Saturdays and Sundays can be a problem too since I eat breakfast then head to the course. I play and practice all day then grab something on the way home in the evening. I know I run out of gas late in the day and start to lose my focus.

So....anyone else have this problem?

ps....I do have a putting question....but I'm just going to swallow the damn thing. LOL!!!
Invest in a cooler. Pack it with ice and you are good to go. Best way to eat healthy food and not cost a fortune.
pasta is always a good idea. make yourself pasta salad to eat inbetween breakfast and lunch. it gives you energy that lasts a long long time and wont make you feel as hungry after your work and golfing sesh. and also, you can make yourself a quick pasta meal when you do get back from the course


only calories matter

your body does not care when the calories come in. it only know they did. if you have a 2500 calorie plan and only eat at midnight 2500 calories, your body will not care that much. it would feel better having a little energy all day to work from but eating late does not hurt you unless it's extra eating you're doing. it's calories in vs. calories out.
your body does not care when the calories come in. it only know they did. if you have a 2500 calorie plan and only eat at midnight 2500 calories, your body will not care that much. it would feel better having a little energy all day to work from but eating late does not hurt you unless it's extra eating you're doing. it's calories in vs. calories out.

I beg to differ......

I'm no nutritionist but the human machine is designed to forage for food, so many small meals throughout the day. Think monkeys gathering fruit, cows grazing on grass, it's a steady intake of energy throughout the day.

That avoids dramatic highs and lows in blood sugar levels. (got Diabetes anyone??)

Otto, my advice, either carry some fresh fruit with you, or my current favourite is a nice mix of dried fruit and nuts, and just snack on a handfull of that whenever you get the urge throughout the day and grab a handfull on the way to the course after work.


I beg to differ......

I'm no nutritionist but the human machine is designed to forage for food, so many small meals throughout the day. Think monkeys gathering fruit, cows grazing on grass, it's a steady intake of energy throughout the day.

That avoids dramatic highs and lows in blood sugar levels. (got Diabetes anyone??)

Otto, my advice, either carry some fresh fruit with you, or my current favourite is a nice mix of dried fruit and nuts, and just snack on a handfull of that whenever you get the urge throughout the day and grab a handfull on the way to the course after work.

bingo, SM... i may be a 15 handicap on the course, but i am a scratch player on the nutrition course ... :D


he said it was way to late to eat at the end of the day. i'm saying its never too late to eat unless its extra food your eating. he's better off eating again vs. not eating at all correct?

Damon Lucas

Super Moderator
Eat some food on the way to the course, and then protein shake immediately after w/o. Have some fruit handy too as others have suggested.


Invest in a cooler. Pack it with ice and you are good to go. Best way to eat healthy food and not cost a fortune.

yes curtis, i NEVER leave the house without my trusty cooler in hand...

somedays its packed with everything from chicken ... tuna ... brown rice ...sweet potatoes , and some days its just full of protien shakes, almonds and diet soda etc...

it all depends on what my activity's are for the day... and yes, it will save you a fortune in the long run ...
'I leave work every day between 4:30-5:30 (depending on if we're busy) and head straight to the course. I will play or practice until dark every day, Right now it gets dark around 8:00.'

Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many shots do I get on Saturday???????????

Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many shots do I get on Saturday???????????



Don't worry....spending a lot of time practicing and playing does not mean I'm playing well. It just means I'm practicing and playing a lot.

See you Saturday.

The greens are coming back after being punched last week and the fairways have a hint of green showing.

The weather looks like it might be a tough day. Chance of thunderstorms and winds to 38mph. Bring your rain suit, but don't bother with the umbrella. It'll be way too windy to hold on to it. :eek:

Brian Manzella

When I was the Captain of the University of New Orleans golf team, we used to get along great as a team.

No fighting.

No harsh words.

For a team of three canadians, one Indiana boy, one from Greely Colorado, and a little Italian from Chalmette, we were very good trip mates.

Except for the night before meal.

Pizza was a favorite of many, but we always played bad the next day.

So we argued over food.

Denny's in the mornings when we were lucky, but often doughnuts at the course.

We had no clue.
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