Brian Manzella
Keep it up.
For the entire 25 years I have taught golf, I have heard it. Sometimes out loud, sometimes just second or third hand. Sometimes it took the investigative ability of Sherlock Holmes.
"That Brian is...."
The leaders in the clubhouse are "way too sure of himself" and "way to critical of others." Surprisingly, third place is "Brian is a very good teacher, but..."
98% of the critics are other teachers. Funny how that works.
Well, I have a little newsflash for my critics: "Kiss my hind end."
I thought I could "teach my way out of obscurity." Only Jimmy Ballard ever did anything close to that. For almost 20 years, I tried it all, begging, making friends with my competitors, smartening up the enemy, etc.
Complete and utter failure.
Then I got on the Internet. I went from total unknown to 5000+ members and 1000's of videos sold and tens of 1000's watched, in less than 5 years.
How did I do it?
I followed the Dale Carnegie mantra:
"I didn't criticize, condemn or complain."
"I avoided arguments."
"I never told anyone they were wrong."
I did the exact opposite. I started a WAR on every site I joined. GolfOpinions, FreeGolfInfo, etc. Then on my little site. I swung hard and hit a lot, and when I missed, I learned. I always do.
Why did it work?
Becuase I can flat teach. And I do a pretty darn good video every now and then. I help people play better. The ones who just watch and listen, and the ones who come to see me. To me, that's ALL I really care about.
How well I teach them "up." Period.
I have officially stopped giving a rat’s arse what all of these goofy critics think. Well I care, but only enough to fuel another great video or three.
"Confessions of a Former Flipper," the #1 selling off-the-top-of-your-head video of all time, was done while I was MAD AS HECK about some total jackass comments on how best to learn not to flip it. Like "by NOT using your pivot on a full pitch." BALONEY!
"Flipper" is a brilliant video, if I do say so myself. And it would have never been done unless I was playing mad.
In a business where nobody cares a lick who can out teach who, impressing the people who have the most to lose if you "get the mike" is about a silly as trying to win the girl by buying flowers in the "other guy's" name.
Nah, I'm just going to be me, and to be honest, be a little MORE me. Too late now to do what everyone else tries to do: talk good about the guy while he is in front of you, and rip him when he walks out the door. Frank Mackel, my old late nemesis, was the MASTER at that. Not me, like some idiot said, I rip 'em in print, in video and in person.
If they deserve it, damn straight I do.
You know what, everywhere I have ever been in life, I was always the most popular guy around. Except: in school, where everyone has an ax to grind; In sports, where the competition is either on the bench or on their back if you do well; or in the golf business, where 98% of 'em are faking it and the other two want your spot on the TOP teacher lists and the Golf Channel.
Doesn't that cover everything?
I was the Karaoke MC at a popular bar in Louisville for about 4 years. When I got the job, there were maybe 150 people in the place on a Thursday and a Saturday when I played. Everybody loved me. I did everything by the book.
But, I got bored. Once my singing chops got to a point that I was pretty damn good, and I figured out that Karaoke programming ain't any different than what I had learned playing in bands for years, I was ready to do it my way.
600 people on a good night. 2 extra hours of drinkers for the house. Two dozen requests a night for me to sing song A or B. Made the old folks happy early with slow country and kept the kids up all night with Snoop Dog.
Did everyone still love me?
Even though I had several older couples drive an hour to catch the early show, and 25 extra young girls come just for the late show, and the house got rich...I had about 5 or 10 idiots who wanted my head on a platter. This is Karaoke folks. They USED to be the "stars," now it was my ALL-STAR singers like JoeV and Little Jimmy—and the Italian Stallion.
What's the point?
You can't be the best and have people who HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN YOUR DEMISE like you. I could have done a nice little show and everyone would have liked me.
Got it?
This ain't your daddy's golf site.
This is THE home of the EYE-tallian Stallion. I am the content king. I am the guy who WANTS the teach-offs. Like I told 'em once, I'll learn what they know but they will never learn what I know, so they'll never catch me.
They won't even get close.
One day, this internet will be able to do LIVE VIDEO. When that day comes, I'll be bigger than Elvis.
Until then,
CRITICS: Go cry to your momma.
FOLKS THAT WANT TO LEARN: Let's go fix some swings!
For the entire 25 years I have taught golf, I have heard it. Sometimes out loud, sometimes just second or third hand. Sometimes it took the investigative ability of Sherlock Holmes.
"That Brian is...."
The leaders in the clubhouse are "way too sure of himself" and "way to critical of others." Surprisingly, third place is "Brian is a very good teacher, but..."
98% of the critics are other teachers. Funny how that works.
Well, I have a little newsflash for my critics: "Kiss my hind end."
I thought I could "teach my way out of obscurity." Only Jimmy Ballard ever did anything close to that. For almost 20 years, I tried it all, begging, making friends with my competitors, smartening up the enemy, etc.
Complete and utter failure.
Then I got on the Internet. I went from total unknown to 5000+ members and 1000's of videos sold and tens of 1000's watched, in less than 5 years.
How did I do it?
I followed the Dale Carnegie mantra:
"I didn't criticize, condemn or complain."
"I avoided arguments."
"I never told anyone they were wrong."
I did the exact opposite. I started a WAR on every site I joined. GolfOpinions, FreeGolfInfo, etc. Then on my little site. I swung hard and hit a lot, and when I missed, I learned. I always do.
Why did it work?
Becuase I can flat teach. And I do a pretty darn good video every now and then. I help people play better. The ones who just watch and listen, and the ones who come to see me. To me, that's ALL I really care about.
How well I teach them "up." Period.
I have officially stopped giving a rat’s arse what all of these goofy critics think. Well I care, but only enough to fuel another great video or three.
"Confessions of a Former Flipper," the #1 selling off-the-top-of-your-head video of all time, was done while I was MAD AS HECK about some total jackass comments on how best to learn not to flip it. Like "by NOT using your pivot on a full pitch." BALONEY!
"Flipper" is a brilliant video, if I do say so myself. And it would have never been done unless I was playing mad.
In a business where nobody cares a lick who can out teach who, impressing the people who have the most to lose if you "get the mike" is about a silly as trying to win the girl by buying flowers in the "other guy's" name.
Nah, I'm just going to be me, and to be honest, be a little MORE me. Too late now to do what everyone else tries to do: talk good about the guy while he is in front of you, and rip him when he walks out the door. Frank Mackel, my old late nemesis, was the MASTER at that. Not me, like some idiot said, I rip 'em in print, in video and in person.
If they deserve it, damn straight I do.
You know what, everywhere I have ever been in life, I was always the most popular guy around. Except: in school, where everyone has an ax to grind; In sports, where the competition is either on the bench or on their back if you do well; or in the golf business, where 98% of 'em are faking it and the other two want your spot on the TOP teacher lists and the Golf Channel.
Doesn't that cover everything?
I was the Karaoke MC at a popular bar in Louisville for about 4 years. When I got the job, there were maybe 150 people in the place on a Thursday and a Saturday when I played. Everybody loved me. I did everything by the book.
But, I got bored. Once my singing chops got to a point that I was pretty damn good, and I figured out that Karaoke programming ain't any different than what I had learned playing in bands for years, I was ready to do it my way.
600 people on a good night. 2 extra hours of drinkers for the house. Two dozen requests a night for me to sing song A or B. Made the old folks happy early with slow country and kept the kids up all night with Snoop Dog.
Did everyone still love me?
Even though I had several older couples drive an hour to catch the early show, and 25 extra young girls come just for the late show, and the house got rich...I had about 5 or 10 idiots who wanted my head on a platter. This is Karaoke folks. They USED to be the "stars," now it was my ALL-STAR singers like JoeV and Little Jimmy—and the Italian Stallion.
What's the point?
You can't be the best and have people who HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN YOUR DEMISE like you. I could have done a nice little show and everyone would have liked me.
Got it?
This ain't your daddy's golf site.
This is THE home of the EYE-tallian Stallion. I am the content king. I am the guy who WANTS the teach-offs. Like I told 'em once, I'll learn what they know but they will never learn what I know, so they'll never catch me.
They won't even get close.
One day, this internet will be able to do LIVE VIDEO. When that day comes, I'll be bigger than Elvis.
Until then,
CRITICS: Go cry to your momma.
FOLKS THAT WANT TO LEARN: Let's go fix some swings!