a pro that we play with (plays in the Champions Tour)

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His name is Chien Soon Lu and he's around 50 years old...

he never miss anything inside 250 yards when we play with him.

Ball always goes straight as an arrow

I wish I can keep up with him one day;)

here's one of his aces

His caddy was pretty good as well.
looks like a fade swing...with that clubface and finish...but I'm no trackman.
I haven't seen a clubface that open that far down in the downswing in a tour player for a while.
This swing is a good example of why I like to watch the Champions Tour... those guys just get it done, no fluff.


New member
He does everything required to play with that open face. Serious awareness.
Absolutely! Un-frickin'-believable how vertical the hand path is. Here are some pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/106612...CNeZ38aiseKT1QE#slideshow/5749248108493006978

Other good explanations on what's going on:
1. His laying it off helps him square it up —ala Sasho's research.


3. His reverse-twisting helps him delay his twisting that he is OBVIOUSLY picking up speed with.
Here is two GOLD NUGGETs from Dr. Kwon at the WGSC:

1. The only "plane" that matters is the sweetspot plane from 9 to 3.

2. The shoulders turn 10° FLATTER than the "eventual sweetspot plane" (my term) and the hands move 10° STEEPER.
Some others who know a thing or two about a weak grip tumble:
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His name is Chien Soon Lu and he's around 50 years old...

he never miss anything inside 250 yards when we play with him.

Ball always goes straight as an arrow

I wish I can keep up with him one day;)

here's one of his aces

His caddy was pretty good as well.

GTFOOH u play with this dude? how awesome is that im so enviuos! I couldnt play if he was in my group, too nervous.


he actually plays both draw and fade, but he had taylormade open his club face about 2 degrees so he won't hook the ball

Maybe I need this, except I dont have taylor made clubs, oh crap. Wait i have a bending machine, maybe I can do it myself.
real open at the top, slightly open last parallel, slams it at the bottom. I'd guess self taught? Not much can go wrong there...
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