Just great! ....(& Sorry for the delay)
Brian, don't know where to start other than to say Thank you so very much. After the free spontaneous lesson you gave to him 4 months ago, He got 2 college trophies, I also made tribute to special person who successfully combat Tiger Woods and Watson's coursein Stanford GC.
This is why I do what I do.
I really wanted to play football in the NFL. I was as skilled as you could possibly be at 15 yrs. old. But, I grew to 5'9"...no shot for a Free Safety who ran a 4.9 forty.
So, I thought I'd play the PGA Tour. I was finally playing good enough to give it a go in early 1987. Just needed to save some money. I went to see Ben Doyle and even though I improved even more, I lost a little moxie because the swing was so new. By the time I was used to the new swing, I overcooked it, and was lost at sea for years.
In 1995, I played as well as I could around town. Was 26 under one
I wasn't very tournament tough, and although I had one decent pro event that year. I was never close again.
From the very beginning of my teaching career, I wanted to be "bigger than Elvis." Become the very best or bust.
I have got to work with many talented players. Some have won big events, some not so big. One has won 25 million+
I fell like I get better at what I do every day, and these days, I am WAY better than ever.
But....for what?
I'll never win a US Open.
But, at this point in the game, on this web site, and on mass media in the future, I can do one thing.
I was very happy to offer my assistance to this young man and the Dad that loves him so. I had a Dad just like that.
I felt he had gotten some bad advice, so I offered mine.
I hoped it would help.
I am very glad it did.
Tell your son GREAT JOB from the Italian Stallion.
Tell him it is a LONG RACE, and sometimes the turtle wins. It can be done. Just believe it with all your heart. Live it.
Breathe it. Listen to NO ONE who says otherwise, but the ones who do, use their words and actions as FUEL.
Even Secretariat needed some fuel.
Go get 'em!