A User-Friendly "The Golfing Machine"????

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Wouldn't it be fantastic to still have Homer around and be able to bounce ideas off of him? He never intended or assumed that all the answers for golf were to be found in his landmark book TGM. He would have enjoyed the feedback from all of you, especially the world-class players such as Steve Elkington and the top teachers like Brian and Lynn. I believe it's a disservice to Homer not to continue to GROW what he started with TGM. For example, Homer would have been fascinated with how to amp-up the horsepower of "The Machine" through some of the cutting edge physical training techniques that are now being incorporated by many of the serious competitors. After all, it's not that new graphite shaft in your driver that is your REAL equipment! Perhaps more on this topic at a later date.
The real genius of a Gregg McHatton or a Ben Doyle is being able to take science and words and APPLY it to the student through innovative techniques. Application is the key. The student that "does the work" will find himself improving.
I was hired by my dear friend Sally Kelley to conduct the official TGM seminars in the late 80's and early 90's -- I felt quite honored. I was introduced to TGM as a teenager by the legend, Gregg McHatton, who soon after sent me to Ben Doyle to continue my education -- what a lucky start for a kid, and I am forever grateful to my two mentors. I was fortunate to have competed against some of the finest players in the world, including Els, Lehman, DiMarco, Tiger and countless other top players. What I learned from many of them about the playing of the game was priceless.
I will share with you some of thoughts from a book I'm working on tentatively titled "The P's of Golf". A big chunk of it concerns TGM. Basically (as Ben would say) I have restructured TGM into 3 key areas in which to practice; PIVOT, POWER PACKAGE and PLANE. I find this format more accessible to the layperson which, if they so choose, can lead to deeper study of TGM and other works.
In brief, the student can imagine the PIVOT as "chop off" my head and arms and everything else from the bottom of my feet to the top of my shoulders comprise the pivot components. Included in PIVOT training are various drills and techniques designed to allow the student to build a more more powerful and effective pivot.
The POWER PACKAGE is comprised of the role the arms and hands play in the golf swing. This includes not just the pressure points, arms, educated hands, flying wedges, etc. but specific ways to train and APPLY.
Once the student works with the first 2 P's then we get him to find, and more importantly FEEL the proper plane (in fact, if you work properly with the first two P's the proper plane may just "show up"). Drills and techniques that I have developed, along with insights from my fellow golf professionals follow.
Some of the many other P's that I explore include, but are not limited to, Physical fitness, Psychology, Putting, Power, Planning, Practice, Precision....
I'm not trying to replace TGM, but I am trying to contribute and make it more accessible to Golfdom. I know I don't have all the answers, and never will, but I'll heed Homer's advice to "continue the search!"
I'm looking forward to feedback from all of you.
Good golfing,
Bobby Schaeffer

Brian Manzella

Great post and ideas, Bobby.

I have always wondered about Homer.

Would he rather 'out the book' AI's who use the Basic Motion Curriculum, or would he prefer someone who teaches 'out of the box.'

I feel like he would love both. He always said:

"I want the AI's to have free reign!"
Sounds like you have a solid foundation for your book. Those other ideas such as physical fitness and practice are great ideas to add. Sometimes we get all wrapped up in the swing we forget all the other other aspects to being a good golfer.
This sounds very promising. I especially like the idea of pivot drills without the arms. Perhaps you would discuss briefly what you consider to be the physics of a proper golf pivot, and in particular the idea of "core" rotation vs the idea of spinning the flywheel with the right shoulder.
Whew, that's a hefty post, Schaeffer.
MJ, here's the basic physics: as Brian likes to use for a swinger (core-oriented body twisting and sliding) think of a frisbee thrower taking a running start. The slow-twitch, large muscles of the torso are "coiled" both concentrically and ecentrically which causes the wave of energy to travel outward to the fast-twitch appendages (multiplying). COAM.
The Physics of Hitting (which Mr. Kelley thought was pretty limited to special strong athletes or for short strokes), is, of course, more specifically produced from not ONLY the right shoulder, but the right pectoralis major, minor, supraspinatus and triceps..all part of the rotator cuff. The fly-wheel image is part of the movement, but there is much more going on than meets the eye..things we don't need to know to be better golfers. Just thump it.

I believe that many machiners are mixing the physics - Swingers, who are driving the right shoulder girdle downplane, feeling that they are "spinning the flywheel", rather than properly executing the inward to outward uncoiling(which you described nicely), which pulls the inert left arm through impact via the swing center - the left shoulder. I had a phone conversation in 1997 with Ben Doyle in which I brought up TGM's coverage of the left shoulder or the lack thereof. He agreed that more could have been written. Hopefully your book will fill in the gap.

Great post. This idea is similar to your Ultimate Power Golf video, which focuses on grip, chipping, pitching, plane, power package and pivot. I found it extremely beneficial to use the drills you recommended. While I understand TGM fairly well now, your presentation was clear and quite understandable. After my first viewing, I thought you could do a very nice "simplified" TGM video and I would be first in line.

My only complaint is that I watched you and Billy McKinney chip one handed in a video and thought, that looks easy. Went to the range and spend a few hours trying to hone that skill. Boy, it it 10 times harder than you make it look. Got it after a while but took several trips to the range. Of course, some of my playing friends had a nice laugh. I did get even (my chipping and pitching has dramatically improved)so I find my near misses much easier to recover from.

Keep it coming Bobby.
Great post Bobby.

I agree with your thinking on Kelly. From what I know, his main, underlying goal was to just help golfers and golf as a whole.....growing it. I didn't know him....but I would imagine he would embrace people growing on his work if it was done in the right way.

After all, aside from being an awesome resource for actual, physical swing mechanics.....what Homer started with TGM also represents a way of thinking about golf and the golf swing....an approach to the game.

He's already laid out most of the meat and potatoes, IMO.....but, in a way, he also started a philosophy......we can work within that......either way, Homer (essentially) started it.....or at least did it best.
Nice post, sounds interesting, kind of like training/learning based on the 3 zones.

Note to oneself, add to list to read.

Brian, I think that the Basic Motion Curriculum as I understand it from TGM is not the end all,

"This curriculum can stand alone for many students but may also serce as preparation for a Basic Certificate course. But most importantly, MUST be used in conjunction with all other G.O.L.F. curriculums.(12-5-0)".

Looking chapter 9 "Three Zones" kind of lends itself to a variation or different approach, etc.

For whatever reason I was under the impression that the Basic Motion Curriculum was more for the self teaching student. I would expect the AI to be able to refine the learning process and develop approaches that they can apply to their students based on the needs of the student..

Still not sure where I got the impression it was for the self-learner and or maybe the new golf instructor who hasn't develop and refined their teaching skills.
Wow, this is awesome. Brian, Bill, Ron, Joe, and now Bobby. Bobby, I am a beginner who recently purchased four of your videos. They are all absolutely terrific, especially "Ultimate Power Golf." I very much look forward to your book. Will there be an accompanying DVD? I believe that I speak for many newbies to golf and to TGM when I state that many of us have read Homer's book with a mixture of admiration and frustration. Many of us have yearned for a "TGM For Dummies" book (or even better, a DVD). I hope that your work will go a long way towards clearing the fog.

Brian, you are to be commended for providing an atmosphere where many of the best and the brightest can exchange ideas. I have a Masters degree in Education, but I'm in nursery school when it comes to golf. Your forum is a treasure trove for hackers such as myself, as well as for more accomplished golfers. I have purchased all of your DVDs and they are also fantastic in that you explain things in plain English. I know that you have had more important things to deal with in the last few months,but I look forward to anything new that you produce. My own preference would be a soup-to-nuts "TGM For Dummies" type of DVD. Is something like that in your plans?

Thank you all for your contributions to my education. I learn something new every day.

Here is some initial feedback from the Land Down Under :)

most people on golf forums wld love to play better golf and feel the thrill of a crushed drive or 3 or 5 wood and would not have any idea what it wld feel like to have a fireside chat with Homer

I notice a lot of people mention a TGM link then go on to explain or suggest that they can expand, clarify or Inserrt word of your choice here</u> on what Homer really meant etc and they just happen to sell services or products to bring golfers up to speed

Sally Kelley must be a lovely lady

Its great there is a tradition of a teacher passing on a chela to another teacher in the golf tradition you come from as that is a long standing spiritual tradition so thats wonderfull to see

Its great u played against countless top players as it shows u come from a tradition of mixing it with the best

they are my initial thoughts on yr first 2 or 3 paragraphs

regarding the book u are working on:

u mention 3 key areas that begin with P then a number of Ps like (but not limited to) putting, practice, precision - this might be a bit confusing to a lot of yr intened audience

how long have u been working on the book - I only ask this because I know a guy who has been working on a book forever - so my thought wld be set a deadline

a few other thoughts:

humility is a nice quality to have so its nice u are trying to contribute and not replace TGM but just make it more golfdom friendly - thank god as Forums are full of TGM posts that do it to death

we tend to be a bit more down to earth in Australia ( althought I do concede anyone can be marketed to so dont exclude us from yr target audience ) and my feeling is that a lot of Aussies might feel yr post is a bit of self marketing when in fact that may not be your intention at all

your post covers a lot of territory and we are not sure what feedback u are seeking

one of our 14 year old district juniors that I play and practice with sometimes shot 4 under par today for the second day in a row and I just scratch my head when I see how he mixes his patterns

it does make u wonder what this kid could really do if he really knew what was going on

he was really excited about it and could not wait to tell me and anyone else who wld listen - good on the kid I say

sorry if I didn't really answer yr post and got off topic as I was not really sure how we cld assist u

please feel free to post any further questions u may have


i just had a thought - u have a number of videos out which seem to cover a lot of the ground u cover in yr post

in this modern age of CDs, DVDs etc why not just package them together and sell them as a set - total hard cost wld be maybe $10 and they cld be retailed at $?

I have a number of ideas with respect to this

please PM me if u wld like to discuss how this might best be achieved
quote:Originally posted by gumper

Wow, this is awesome. Brian, Bill, Ron, Joe, and now Bobby. Bobby, I am a beginner who recently purchased four of your videos. They are all absolutely terrific, especially "Ultimate Power Golf."



Where do you buy them from? Only place I could find them was OHP Direct web site. Is that where you bought them from? Thanks

I got three of the four at amazon.com. I got the Money Zone at OHP. If I were getting one, I'd opt for Ultimate Power Golf.

quote:Originally posted by billmckinneygolf

Okalahoma MizuoJoe,
"The Ultimate Power Golf Swing" is on DVD. If need be I'll send you a copy.
Keep up the great posts!

Bill - the ones on Amazon are VHS. What's your email address?

Glad you like my comments - 4bls is not appreciating my ideas on the clubfitting! [:p]
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