A Very Good Model

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Brian Manzella

If anyone wants to know what we teach...

This is ONE of many top of the backswing positions that I would teach to the right golfer:

The pink triangle is the old base of the neck. the yellow is the 3D point somewhere between the shoulder blades

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
True, so as instructors our teaching theories should be modelled on the worst possible golfers, not the best.

So it is Fabersham proof.:p

So you can say in your promotional marketing 'Brian Manzella' teaches Mr & Mrs Fabersham and Ethel Buffufnik. They reduced their handicaps from 33.4 to 26.2 and it was the teachers help that did it because they have no talent whatsoever.

Now thats the truth not that this pro tour guy is a one planer blah blah blah,
and he clearly has a plane shift.

The teaching world is total reverse vectors!:eek:


New member
What do you think of Jim Hardy's end-backswing position when demonstrating his 2PS swing style - from his new book "The Plane Truth for Golfers: Master Class"?

See - http://perfectgolfswingreview.net/Hardy-2PSendbackswing.jpg

Jim Hardy states that he recommends an erect posture for his 2PS (10-20 degree off-vertical) + narrow stance + left foot square to allow easy hip rotation + maximum hip rotation + horizontal shoulder/hip rotation.


Brian Manzella

You REALLY wanna know what I think?

I think someone that can't pose any better that this:

had better go give a few 1000 more lessons and look at some video at Tom Bartlett's house 'til 3 am.


New member
Brian (and others) - could you please be more explicit and explain what's wrong with his backswing. I am personally bothered by the fact that his head is outside the boundary of the right foot, and that he is too weighted on the right outer foot (presumbaly because he has a free/maximised hip turn).

brian, is that picture a serious one? Come on man, hardy did not put that in a book did he. Tell us the truth, that picture is photo shopped, right? No way anyone could think that is a golf like position


New member

That image has not been distorted (photoshopped).

I resent the inference that I would deliberately distort an image from a book.

is that you in the picture jeff, do you look like hardy? My post was meant as a joke about the picture being so un golf like and had nothing to do with you. SO resent the reference that had nothing to do with you all you want. Brian is the one who posted the pic, and that is why my questions were at him. Of course I know it was not photoshopped Geeze man

I find it funny how hardy says he is not biased to one or two plane but yet all his two plane pics look very crappy and un golf like. If you want to know what is wrong with that backswing position, it sucks. how many problems do you want to be pointed out? A much shorter list would be what is right with that backswing position? The club is off the ground and he is holding onto it and has not fallen over, yet! besides that, about nothing, his grip is even wrong.
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