A wurastion For mandrin,

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Hi Mandrin,

Something that has been on my mind for a while...

Some time ago I bought a dvd from a club manufacturing co (US based)...
They produced a line of expensive clubs made from boron with diamond faces (circa $400 each) and also space tech woods...
One of the points made was that the weighting was directly behind the sweet spot, and that OEM manufacturers had been fooling the public for years with the sole weighting that they use as standard (apparently this was admitted by one of the senior dirctors of a major OEM, but were now trapped in a lie they couldn't admit to)...

Now the manufacturers (and others) maintain that sole weighting helps you get the ball in the air......

Can you explain this?...
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Brian Manzella

Hi Mandrin,

Something that has been on my mind for a while...

Some time ago I bought a dvd from a club manufacturing co (US based)...
They produced a line of expensive clubs made from boron with diamond faces (circa $400 each) and also space tech woods...
One of the points made was that the weighting was directly behind the sweet spot, and that OEM manufacturers had been fooling the public for years with the sole weighting that they use as standard (apparently this was admitted by one of the senior dirctors of a major OEM, but were now trapped in a lie they couldn't admit to)...

Now the manufacturers (and others) maintain that sole weighting helps you get the ball in the air......

Can you explain this?...

I can.

And when Mandrin wants to, I am sure he will agree with me.

The Center of Gravity of the club always TRIES to line up with the "line of the swing."

This "line of swing" is the basically the "sweetspot plane," an imaginary line from the force across the shaft (in the grip) to the sweetspot.

With a club with more loft, like a wedge, the sweetspot is further back from the shaft centerline, and this makes the shaft bend a bit more forward than a similarly designed lower lofted club.

The same thing happens to a lesser extent with sole weighting.

Obviously, weighting the club low AND TOWARD THE BACK makes the most forward bending occur.


i'm confused...

Brian, how does this:


With a club with more loft, like a wedge, the sweetspot is further back from the shaft centerline, and this makes the shaft bend a bit more forward than a similarly designed lower lofted club....

fit with this:

...when i get out a 3i and a LW and line up the clubs' leading edges, the LW has way more forward lean...now if i line up the shafts, the 3i has a more closed face...with these differences, what must one do differently "make the club work like a club"?

Ah, got it...thanks Brian...

Any idea how much difference it makes and how difficult would it be if you used irons (drivers are probably no problem) with sweet spot weighting?....

Guitar Hero

New member
If you want to see if there is any built in forward lean with offset clubs. Take a 3 iron to a pw and put the clubs in a loft and lie bending machine and take a look at the position of the shaft for each club. You might be surprised.


after some study...

...when i get out a 3i and a LW and line up the clubs' leading edges, the LW has way more forward lean...now if i line up the shafts, the 3i has a more closed face...with these differences, what must one do differently "make the club work like a club"?

...my conclusions are 1) change ball position or 2) aim less left with the lower lofted clubs...mr. manzella, comments?

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