Above-plane follow thru - not generating clubhead speed

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I have been working with my coach to overcome an underplane/inside takeaway and an above-plane follow through. I have been making good progress - my handicap has dropped from 10 to 6 over the last few months.

Tonight I asked him when I could expect some increased distance from the swing changes. He said that it will come when I get the flatter follow thru perfected. His argument was that the steep/above plane follow through is associated with too much tension and that it it is not until I learn to release the club that i will get any increased clubhead speed.

I am a right hander...The image/feelings associated with this 'release' is like throwing a (backhanded) frisbee as hard as I can with my left hand...and my palm ends up in a position where it could catch raindrops (as per The Italian Stallons video advice).

So apart from saying 'I had a good night with the coach', I think my question is 'All things being equal, would an on-plane follow thru generate more club head speed than one characterised by an above-plane follow thru?

Sounds like you are on a good track now.
I don't think "on-plane" follow through necessarily equates to more clubhead speed. I think it has more to do with day to day consistency and solid contact. I worked on similar changes and the biggest thing I had to overcome at first was the sequence changes from the top down to impact.
If you can get the contact in the sweetspot with the sole of the club coming to and through impact more level to the ground (not angle of attack) you should see more consistency in your shots.

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