Hey guys,
Wanted to solicit a few thoughts about my range session. I just got a Tour Striker Pro 7I and headed out to the driving range. After starting out with some worm burners, I realized I was hitting too low on the club face and decided to make an aggressive slide (at least it felt like to me) of my left hip (I've been told by my one of my friends who is a golf pro that my lower body is too quiet in my swing). Shortly after, I started making solid contact with the ball (~5 yard draw that started right of my target line). When I employed the same technique to my irons, I continued making great contact. SO I want to make sure now that I fully understand why I had a great range session (by the end I was hitting ~5 yard draws with my 4I):
1) Does the hip slide move the low point of my swing forward (by moving my left shoulder forward) toward my target? Is this the best way to control the low point?
2) As I changed my ball placement forward/backward, I realized that I could dial in a certain amount of hip slide as needed. For wedges (ball back), I didn't need much slide. For longer irons (ball forward), more hip slide. NOW, can one have too much hip slide? Or is that RELATIVE to your ball placement? If your ball placement is 3 yards in front of your left foot then is the correct amount of hip slide ~3 yards? How can you know if you have too much hip slide?
3) With my hip slide, I felt I was moving my low point forward and making contact higher on my club face. This is great for irons where I want to hit down on the ball. But what about driver and/or 3W? With these clubs I want to hit up and have AoA near zero for 3W. Does that mean, no hip slide is needed? Or is the hip slide only important for these clubs because it promotes axis tilt?
Wanted to solicit a few thoughts about my range session. I just got a Tour Striker Pro 7I and headed out to the driving range. After starting out with some worm burners, I realized I was hitting too low on the club face and decided to make an aggressive slide (at least it felt like to me) of my left hip (I've been told by my one of my friends who is a golf pro that my lower body is too quiet in my swing). Shortly after, I started making solid contact with the ball (~5 yard draw that started right of my target line). When I employed the same technique to my irons, I continued making great contact. SO I want to make sure now that I fully understand why I had a great range session (by the end I was hitting ~5 yard draws with my 4I):
1) Does the hip slide move the low point of my swing forward (by moving my left shoulder forward) toward my target? Is this the best way to control the low point?
2) As I changed my ball placement forward/backward, I realized that I could dial in a certain amount of hip slide as needed. For wedges (ball back), I didn't need much slide. For longer irons (ball forward), more hip slide. NOW, can one have too much hip slide? Or is that RELATIVE to your ball placement? If your ball placement is 3 yards in front of your left foot then is the correct amount of hip slide ~3 yards? How can you know if you have too much hip slide?
3) With my hip slide, I felt I was moving my low point forward and making contact higher on my club face. This is great for irons where I want to hit down on the ball. But what about driver and/or 3W? With these clubs I want to hit up and have AoA near zero for 3W. Does that mean, no hip slide is needed? Or is the hip slide only important for these clubs because it promotes axis tilt?