I wonder if anybody can help me slot the last piece in.
Always had a problem swinging underplane, but I got the tumble working pretty good (it seems!!) and that seems to have helped massively. However, just as I come into impact and I feel the axis tilt happening, my left arm gets glued to my body, the club falls under plane and the face opens - the resultant shot being a bloody awful high push cut. When this doesn't happen the shot really does come out beautifully.
It feels like my arms won't snap past my body for some reason, and they just go carouselling around with my body like they're trapped; it's really pissing me off.
I'm so close and they'll be a pint in this for someone if they can figure it out for me
Always had a problem swinging underplane, but I got the tumble working pretty good (it seems!!) and that seems to have helped massively. However, just as I come into impact and I feel the axis tilt happening, my left arm gets glued to my body, the club falls under plane and the face opens - the resultant shot being a bloody awful high push cut. When this doesn't happen the shot really does come out beautifully.
It feels like my arms won't snap past my body for some reason, and they just go carouselling around with my body like they're trapped; it's really pissing me off.
I'm so close and they'll be a pint in this for someone if they can figure it out for me