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I wonder if anybody can help me slot the last piece in.
Always had a problem swinging underplane, but I got the tumble working pretty good (it seems!!) and that seems to have helped massively. However, just as I come into impact and I feel the axis tilt happening, my left arm gets glued to my body, the club falls under plane and the face opens - the resultant shot being a bloody awful high push cut. When this doesn't happen the shot really does come out beautifully.
It feels like my arms won't snap past my body for some reason, and they just go carouselling around with my body like they're trapped; it's really pissing me off.
I'm so close and they'll be a pint in this for someone if they can figure it out for me


New member
Where do you feel you're taking your hands back during the takeaway--more up and out or low and in? That'll give you some kind of gauge for the next steps in terms of what feeling will help you in making an appropriate transition, down and through swing that will give you the face and path numbers you're shooting for.

For example, if you're hands are moving low and in on the backswing you could try instead feeling that on your backswing you're moving you're hands up and out while losing any feeling of "connectedness" your left arm had to your chest at address and in the transition, down and through swings feel like you're sliding your upper inner left arm (near the biceps) past your left nipple and that it's going to slice it right off (alternatively try to feel like in the transition, down and through swings that you are reconnecting your left arm to your chest while sending your hands low and in).

I think it may/could theoretically be easier (for certain golfers) to change a backswing than a downswing because the backswing happens slower and is more of a concerted effort whereas the transition, down, and through swings occur reactively/automatically. On the contrary, for some golfers, a certain backswing just "feels right" or "just works" with a certain individual because of their body type (including physical parameters such as range of motion in the hips, back, shoulders, arms, and wrists; also including build, an example being that some heavy set individuals may feel their belly in the "way" of a backswing that sends the hands low and in) and/or "internal" visualization/"external" execution of their swing. Carl Pettersson would be an example of the heavy set indvidual:
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Where do you feel your taking your hands back during the takeaway--more up and out or more low and in? That'll give you some kind of gauge for the next steps...

Try feeling that on your backswing you're moving your hands up and out while losing any feeling of "connectedness" your left arm had to your chest at address and in the transition, down and through swings feel like you're moving your upper left arm (near the biceps) is sliding past your left nipple and that it's going to slice it right off (alternatively try to feel like in the transition, down and through swings that you are reconnecting your left arm to your chest while sending your hands low and in).

Now that is interesting, Lia. Cheers for that and I'll check it out. I think my arms might be too IN on the backswing, perhaps. I wish I could chop off my bloody left arm at times - it feels like it blocks all the good stuff out at the most critical point - Cheers Lia...
It feels like my arms won't snap past my body for some reason, and they just go carouselling around with my body like they're trapped; it's really pissing me off.

I wish I could chop off my bloody left arm at times - it feels like it blocks all the good stuff out at the most critical point

You may be just staying back turned too long into transition? Body in the way?
Just a thought



New member
Where do you feel you're taking your hands back during the takeaway--more up and out or low and in? That'll give you some kind of gauge for the next steps in terms of what feeling will help you in making an appropriate transition, down and through swing that will give you the face and path numbers you're shooting for.
Kevin gives further explanation:
Some of the greatest tumble actions through the ball. What do they all have in common?
Totally vertical handpath completely separate from the turn. Allows the independence of the arms from the pivot so they can have the most vertical drop...its the lift that allows this IMO. Deep or low hands make it tough to get them to tumble left.
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