Agree with assessment of Trevino--he was probably hitting down through the whole bag and had a built-in down and out true path that made hitting both the fade and the draw pretty easy (based on position of clubface). He's pretty much explained it this way.
Couples may hit some shots this way (shorter irons), but his tee ball is a different animal than Lee Buck's. If he's catching it on the upswing with the path going up and left, and staying just left of the face, it would mean he aims less left and hits more of a "power" fade. I think this is more the type of fade Nickloss hit and some of the longer dudes today.
I find it easier to hit draws if I'm catching it slightly on the upswing. Is my assessment of "power" fades correct? Anybody here bringing the thunder hitting cuts by catching it past low point? Where's your ball position?